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The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection

New Releases for June

The MHC and MHC molecules 1

The MHC and MHC molecules

Prof. Jim Kaufman
University of Edinburgh, UK


Roles of microglia in the healthy brain

Roles of microglia in the healthy brain

Dr. Marie-Ève Tremblay
University of Victoria, Canada


Reaching the missing millions through public-private mix (PPM) for TB prevention and care

Reaching the missing millions through public-private mix (PPM) for TB prevention and care

Ms. Hannah Monica Dias
World Health Organization, Switzerland


New concepts in the management of CAP: a focus on severe illness - treatment and therapies

New concepts in the management of CAP: a focus on severe illness - treatment and therapies

Prof. Michael S. Niederman
Weill Cornell Medical College, USA


SOD1-related ALS: what has it told us about motor neuron degeneration? - part 1

SOD1-related ALS: what has it told us about motor neuron degeneration?

Prof. Dame Pamela Shaw
University of Sheffield, UK


Development of a cancer drug

Development of a cancer drug

Prof. Martin Edelman
Fox Chase Cancer Center, USA


In vivo antibody discovery and hybridoma technology

In vivo antibody discovery and hybridoma technology

Prof. Dr. Katja Hanack
University of Potsdam, Germany


The chloroplast genome and chloroplast gene expressiox

The chloroplast genome and chloroplast gene expression

Prof. Christopher Howe
University of Cambridge, UK


New concepts in the management of CAP: a focus on severe illness - MRSA and MDR pathogens

New concepts in the management of CAP: a focus on severe illness - MRSA and MDR pathogens

Prof. Michael S. Niederman
Weill Cornell Medical College, USA


Polymeric gels for drug delivery

Polymeric gels for drug delivery

Ms. Dora Safar, Dr. G. Roshan Deen
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Bahrain


Techniques to infer admixture using genome-wide autosomal DNA 1

Techniques to infer admixture using genome-wide autosomal DNA

Dr. Garrett Hellenthal
University College London, UK


Featured talks from previous releases

A primer on familial cancer genetics

Factors influencing outcomes in clinical transplantation 1

Intracerebral hemorrhages: causes and clinical findings

Lymphocyte homing: getting lymphocytes to the right place at the right time

The biology and control of human onchocerciasis

The oral cavity and pharynx

For more specially commissioned lectures:

http://trk.hstalks.com/?xol=mvp76z3qsid0uza18fh43&eih=3zypywpjtnhf1xmfda577ks347lh9euqe2ys4 http://post.spmailtechnol.com/q/XW9gRbDcgzCBHQOKvGEKxQ~~/AATAjwA~/RgRkfJjvPlcDc3BjQgpihvATmmKapy_vUhdzc2lrQGdhdGUuc2luaWNhLmVkdS50d1gEAAAAAA~~