
展期 : 2024-02-19 ~ 2024-02-26
Signals and systems
Acne: Your Questions Answered
Advanced crop improvement.
Advances in Macrofungi: Diversity, Ecology and Biotechnology
AI Applications for Disease Diagnosis and Treatment
AI for Immunology
Alpha-1 antitrypsin : methods and protocols
Artificial Intelligence for Accurate Analysis and Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Biodiversity in agriculture
Cases on Virtual Reality Modeling in Healthcare
Developing Climate-Resilient Crops: Improving Global Food Security and Safety
Encyclopedia of digital agricultural technologies
Enzymes in RNA science and biotechnology. Part A
Enzymes in RNA science and biotechnology. Part B
Epithelial cell culture : methods and protocols
Ethnopharmacology and drug discovery for COVID-19
Exploring the power of ChatGPT
Hazards in the Food Processing and Distribution Chain
Historical and Epidemiological Analyses on the Impact of Infectious Disease on Society
Microbial products for future industrialization
Mitochondrial DNA and the Immuno-inflammatory Response: New Frontiers to Control Specific Microbial Diseases
Next Generation Sequencing in Forensic Science: A Primer
Nutrition biophysics
P450 Enzymes
Plant-virus interactions
Protein tyrosine phosphatases : methods and protocols
Single cell analysis : methods and protocols
Superparamagnetic materials for cancer medicine
Sustainable Solutions for Environmental Pollution. Volume 2, Air, Water, and Soil Reclamation
The Lives of Moths: A Natural History of Our Planet's Moth Life
影響力習慣:5種心態x15個習慣, 從邊緣人變成最有價值的關鍵人物
我們身體裡的生命演化史:演化如何打造出身體, 而身體的演化又如何構成新的物種?一部關於器官、組織、細胞、DNA長達40億年的故事。
暖化尚無定論:氣候科學告訴或沒告訴我們的事, 為什麼這很重要?
短, 才是王道!60字法則商用日語文章術
超越英文法:大量應用語意邏輯策略, 以500則錯誤例示, 心智鍛鍊英文認知能力, 一掃學習迷思!
雅思聽力聖經 [有聲書]:模擬試題:精選四回, 迅速釐清學習盲點 修正惱人的「7.5-8.0」瓶頸期躍至9.0佳績
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地址:臺北市南港區研究院路二段128號(生態時代館) 更新日期:05/09/2024 09:34:34