講題: 詳見分生所網站
地點:分生所B1演講廳 |
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時間:2021.11.18(四)15:30 - 16:30
地點:國家生技研究園區C201演講廳 |
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講題:Detection, targeting and impact of antibodies against polyethylene glycol on PEGylated medicines
主講者:Dr. Steve Roffler
時間:2021/11/16 11:00
地點:IMB B1 Auditorium |
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講題:Root damage and immune responses at cellular resolution
主講者:Dr. Niko Geldner
時間:2021/11/17 15:30
地點:Presented by Webex Meeting |
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講題:New Insights into the Glycan Ligands of the Immunomodulatory Sialic acid-binding Siglecs
主講者:Matthew Macauley博士
時間:2021/11/18 11:00-12:00
地點:生化所209室 |
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講題:Mammalian growth and death controls: from cells to animal models
主講者: Dr. Hsin-Fang Yang-Yen
時間:2021/11/18 11:00
地點:IMB B1 Auditorium |
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講題:The functional stability of regulatory T cells: why it matters?
主講者:Dr. Ming-Zong Lai
時間:2021/11/25 11:00
地點:IMB B1 Auditorium |
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講題:What we can learn from single-cell analysis beyond heterogeneity
主講者:Dr. 陳世淯
時間:2021-11-29 11:00-12:00
地點:生醫所地下室B1C演講廳 |
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