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 發報日期 : 2024/04/29 發行期數:334 


展期:2024-4-29 ~ 2024-5-6
Henry Stewart Talks 4月份新增演講內容,請多加利用


【生物資訊系列】6:Metabolomics data analysis(In Chinese)(實體+線上課程)
統計所 B1 演講廳


Ingenuity Pathway Analysis 2024 春季更新
本次更新中的LINCS數據集和分析將取代現有的LINCS數據集及其分析。LINCS(Integrated Network-Based Cellular Signatures Library)代表對細胞對擾動劑作出反應的轉錄表達數據的集合。該集合包括使用Broad Institute的L1000試驗,收集處理有生物活性小分子和基因擾動的人類培養細胞系。


5/2 生醫所演講
講題:Characterizing tissue microstructure in the living human brain using ultra-high gradient diffusion MRI
主講者:Susie Yi Huang, MD, PhD (Harvard Medical School)
時間:2024-05-02 11:00 - 12:00
5/2 生化所演講
講題:How precise is precise? Pursuing specific editing outcomes with CRISPR nucleases
主講者:Stephen Jones教授 (立陶宛Vilnius University Life Sciences Center)
時間:2024-05-02 11:00 - 12:00
5/7 生醫所演講
講題:Accelerating Biomedical Research with NVIDIA Technology
主講者:Chi-Cheng Fu博士 (Senior Developer Relations Manager, NVIDIA)
時間:2024-05-07 11:00 - 12:00
5/8 植微所演講
講題:Unraveling the Role of Actin Dynamics in Plant Immunity Regulation
主講者:呂依儒 (國立臺灣大學植物病理與微生物學系)
時間:2024-05-08 15:00 - 16:00
地點:中央研究院植物暨微生物學研究所農業科技大樓 A134演講廳
5/9 農生中心演講
講題:The still opened questions about polyisoprenoids synthesis and function in plants
主講者:Dr. Aleksandra Weremczuk (Post Doctoral Researcher, Laboratory of Lipid Biochemistry, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
時間:2024-05-09 14:00 - 15:00
5/9 生多中心演講
講題:An eDNA Metabarcoding Survey of Green Island Coral Reef
主講者:Prof. Noriyuki Satoh (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan)
時間:2024-05-09 15:00 - 16:30
5/9 Cambridge 投稿介紹線上講座
主講者:康夢雲(Author Services and Asia Training Executive,劍橋大學出版社)
時間:2024年5月9日(週四)10:00 -12:00


Minisymposium on the Multifaceted Ubiquitin Family
活動網站: https://sites.google.com/view/ubiquitin
地點: 生化所209研討室
主講人: 詳見海報
主講人網站: https://www.wehi.edu.au/researcher/david-komander/


N-乙醯葡萄糖胺(GlcNAc)是一種基礎氨基醣,對於蛋白質、脂質的醣基化以及細胞壁組成分至關重要。UDP-GlcNAc是活化態的GlcNAc,能夠透過己醣胺生合成途徑(hexosamine biosynthesis pathway, HBP)合成。
Structural elucidation and prognostic relevance of 297-11A-sulfated glycans in ovarian carcinoma
Ovarian carcinoma is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage with peritoneal dissemination and/or lymph node metastasis, and the prognosis for such advanced carcinoma is very poor.
The positively charged cluster in the N-terminal disordered region may affect prion protein misfolding: Cryo-EM structure of hamster PrP(23-144) fibrils
Prions, the misfolding form of prion proteins, are contagious proteinaceous macromolecules. Recent studies have shown that infectious prion fibrils formed in the brain and non-infectious fibrils formed from recombinant prion protein in a partially denaturing condition have distinct structures.
Lipoarabinomannan modification as a source of phenotypic heterogeneity in host-adapted Mycobacterium abscessus isolates
Mycobacterium abscessus is increasingly recognized as the causative agent of chronic pulmonary infections in humans. One of the genes found to be under strong evolutionary pressure during adaptation of M. abscessus to the human lung is embC which encodes an arabinosyltransferase required for the biosynthesis of the cell envelope lipoglycan, lipoarabinomannan (LAM).
The nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora detects prey pheromones via G protein-coupled receptors
The capability to sense and respond to the environment is essential for survival and fitness in all organisms. Recent studies have shown organisms from different kingdoms, such as fungi, plants, and mammals can recognize and respond to conserved nematode pheromones, named ascarosides. However, the mechanisms underlying cross kingdom perception of nematode pheromones remain unclear.
A newly evolved rice-specific gene JAUP1 regulates jasmonate biosynthesis and signaling to promote root development and multi-stress tolerance
Root architecture and function are critical for plants to secure water and nutrient supply from the soil, but environmental stresses alter root development. The phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA) regulates plant growth and responses to wounding and other stresses, but its role in root development for adaptation to environmental challenges had not been well investigated.
Unsupervised Clustering Identified Clinically Relevant Metabolic Syndrome Endotypes in UK and Taiwan Biobanks
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a collection of cardiovascular risk factors; however, the high prevalence and heterogeneity impede effective clinical management.
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