In some species including Medicago truncatula, iron deficiency results in accumulation of riboflavin, a response that improve the acquisition of iron from recalcitrant pools. A study conducted in collaboration with the group of Wen Hao Zhang (State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, LVEC) showed that the protein kinase CIPK12 regulates ferric reduction by accumulation of riboflavin and its derivatives...... |
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Dr.Pao-Yang Chen's research team have developed a MethylC-analyzer to analyze and visualize post-alignment WGBS, RRBS, and EM-seq data focusing on CG...... |
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In this review, we introduce the formation of epidermal cell types in Arabidopsis and provide examples of quantitative tools to describe phenotypes in leaf research. We further focus on cellular factors involved in triggering cell fates and their quantitative measurements in mechanistic studies and biological patterning...... |
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Prof. Trees-Juen Chuang’s group (Genomics Research center, Academia Sinica) further integrated RNA-sequencing with genotype data from autistic brains to assess expression quantitative trait loci of circRNAs (circQTLs) that cis-regulate expression of nearby circRNAs and trans-regulate expression of distant genes (trans-eGenes) simultaneously...... |
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A tour de force study by Dr. Jun-An Chen’s group at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, has uncovered the diversity of spinal motor neurons in mouse embryos through single-cell RNA sequencing...... |
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To better understand the formation of xylem, a research team led by Drs. Chuan Ku (Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica) and Ying-Chung Jimmy Lin (Department of Life Science and Institute of Plant Biology, National Taiwan University) sampled stem xylem tissue from four tree species and collected transcriptomic data (gene expression profiles) from tens of thousands individual xylem cell protoplasts...... |
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Patients with severe COVID-19 often suffer from lymphopenia, which is linked to cytokine storm and mortality. However, it remains largely unknown how SARS-CoV-2 cripples immune system. The research groups, Dr. Chia-Wei Li, Dr. Shu-Ping Wang, and Dr. Yao-Ming Chang, in the IBMS at Academia Sinica explored the transcriptomic profile and epigenomic alterations involved in cytokine production by SARS-CoV-2-infected cells. They adopted a reverse time-order gene coexpression network (TO-GCN) to analyze time-series RNA-seq, revealing epigenetic modifications at the late stage of viral egress...... |
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