動物個體的發育通常進展快速,就像行進中的火車,直到抵達終點(成年的階段)才會停止。雖然在自然界中有少數的例外存在,比如帝王斑蝶,可以在過冬遷徙的時候,長時間延遲成年期的發育。複雜的脊椎動物是不是也具備這樣的能力? |
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黑色素瘤是臨床上具難治性且預後差之高轉移性癌症疾病。因此,開發治療轉移性黑色素瘤的新藥物是迫切急需的。我們建立一嗜肺臟轉移之人類BRAFV600E突變種黑色素瘤A375LM5IF4g/Luc細胞株,藉由體外以及異源性NOD/SCID小鼠肺轉移模型研究發現,植物倍半萜內脂deoxyelephantopin(DET)及其衍生物DETD-35藉由調節肺部腫瘤微環境之肺血管的通透性、血管新生(VEGF+、CD31+)和 EMT標誌蛋白質來抑制黑色素瘤在小鼠體內之肺部轉移。 |
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Hemagglutinin (HA) is the immunodominant protein of the influenza virus. We previously showed that mice injected with a monoglycosylated influenza A HA (HAmg) produced cross-strain-reactive antibodies and were better protected than mice injected with a fully glycosylated HA (HAfg) during lethal dose challenge. We employed a single B-cell screening platform to isolate the cross-protective monoclonal antibody (mAb) 651 from mice immunized with the HAmg of A/ Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1) influenza virus (Bris/07). |
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Phenotypic variation is a fundamental prerequisite for cell and organism evolution by natural selection. Whereas the role of stochastic gene expression in phenotypic diversity of genetically identical cells is well studied, not much is known regarding the relationship between stochastic gene expression and individual behavioral variation in animals. We demonstrate that a specific miRNA (miR-466f-3p) is upregulated in the hippocampus of a portion of individual inbred mice upon a Morris water maze task |
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Clinical reports indicate that schizophrenia patients taking atypical antipsychotic drugs suffer from metabolism diseases including atherosclerosis. However, the mechanisms underlying the detrimental effect of atypical antipsychotic drugs on atherosclerosis remain to be explored. |
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Due to its highly immunogenic nature and the great engineerability, filamentous phage has shown promising antitumor activities in preclinical studies. Previous designs of antitumor phage mainly focused on tumor targeting using a cancer-specific moiety displayed on the minor capsid protein, pIII. In this work, we developed a new therapeutic platform of filamentous phage, in which the major capsid protein pVIII was utilized for displaying an antitumor cytokine. |
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Adults with obesity exhibit a restrictive pattern, whereas children with obesity exhibit an obstructive pattern. However, the transition process remains unclear. We performed a systematic search for studies reporting on body mass index and pulmonary function in children. |
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番茄是全球重要的經濟作物,然而,由粉蝨傳播的begomoviruses (whitefly-transmitted begomoviruses, WTBs) 所引發的番茄黃化捲葉病 (tomato yellow leaf curl disease) 嚴重危害全球番茄產量。在本篇研究中,我們評估了先前實驗室已開發的植物抗病毒免疫誘導劑-F8真菌培養濾液,是否能誘導番茄對抗台灣主要的 WTB-番茄黃葉捲曲泰國病毒 (tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus, TYLCTHV)。 |
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Cytosolic lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) bind directly to caspase-4/5/11 through their lipid A moiety, inducing inflammatory caspase oligomerization and activation, which is identified as the noncanonical inflammasome pathway. Galectins, β-galactoside–binding proteins, bind to various gram-negative bacterial LPS, which display β-galactoside–containing polysaccharide chains. Galectins are mainly present intracellularly, but their interactions with cytosolic microbial glycans have not been investigated. |
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跨所團隊打造識別「生物性狀決定基因」的穿雲箭「iTARGEX」,一個全新的生物資訊工具,從剔除單一基因後的整體基因表現量變化與生物特徵進行一系列的相關性分析去預測參與調節特定性狀的基因。 |
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Targeted-therapy failure in treating nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) frequently occurs because of the emergence of drug resistance and genetic mutations. The same mutations also result in aerobic glycolysis, which further antagonizes outcomes by localized increases in lactate, an immune suppressor. |
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Dysregulation of nucleocytoplasmic shuttling is commonly observed in cancers and emerging as a cancer hallmark for the development of anticancer therapeutic strategies. Despite its severe adverse effects, selinexor, a selective first-in-class inhibitor of the common nuclear export receptor XPO1, was developed to target nucleocytoplasmic protein shuttling and received accelerated FDA approval in 2019 in combination with dexamethasone as a fifth-line therapeutic option for adults with relapsed refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM). |
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) involves impairment of Aβ clearance. Neprilysin (NEP) is the most efficient Aβ peptidase. Enhancement of the activity or expression of NEP may provide a prominent therapeutic strategy against AD. |
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