時間:2021-12-28 10:30-12:30
地點:國家生技研究園區C棟212會議室 |
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講題:Collective Behaviors of Fire Ant Rafts (紅火蟻筏) and Black Soldier Fly Larvae (黑水虻) in Dynamic Fluid Environments
時間:2021-12-29 11:00 ~ 12:00
地點:跨領域科技研究大樓1樓演講廳 |
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講題:The role of epigenetics in multicellularity and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance
主講者:Dr. Simon Yuan Wang
時間:2022-01-03 10:00 ~ 11:00
地點:分生所B1演講廳 |
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講題:Two tales of B cell lymphopoiesis: From post-transcriptional regulation to identify a novel niche at the central nervous system (CNS) borders
主講者:Dr. Wei-Le Wang
時間:2021-1-5 10:00
地點:分生所B1演講廳 |
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講題:Structure-function relationships of knotty proteins
時間:2022-1-7 11:00-12:00
地點:生化所209室 |
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講題:Dynamic information processing by microbial signaling pathways
主講者:Dr. Keita Kamino
時間:2021-1-10 10:00
地點:分生所B1演講廳 |
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