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 發報日期 : 2023/11/27 發行期數:323 


展期:2023-11-27 ~ 2023-12-04
Wiley 2023年度有獎徵答活動開跑囉~
Henry Stewart Talks 11月份新增演講內容,請多加利用


【臨床試驗講座-基礎課程】第5講-第一期臨床試驗之試驗設計(In Chinese)(實體+線上課程)
統計所 B1 演講廳
【臨床試驗講座-基礎課程】第6講-第二期臨床試驗之試驗設計(In Chinese)(實體+線上課程)
環境變遷大樓 6005 教室




BioOne Complete 簡介
BioOne Complete 是一個全文資料庫,包含200多種生物學、生態學和環境科學領域出版物的資料庫。


11/28 分生所演講
講題:Calcium, ATP, and ROS: A Mitochondrial Love-Hate Triangle
主講者:Dr. Shey-Shing Sheu (Thomas Jefferson University, USA)
時間:2023-11-28 11:00 - 12:00
11/28 基因體演講
講題:Navigating the Future of Scientific Publishing with Cell Press
主講者:Steve Mao博士 (美國Cancer Cell期刊Editor-in-Chief)
時間:2023-11-28 15:30 - 16:30
11/29 基因體演講
講題:Selective Degradation of Mitochondria: How to Choose and Segregate the Bad Parts?
主講者:張智芬講座教授 (臺灣大學)
時間:2023-11-29 15:30 - 17:00
11/30 生化所演講
講題:Oscillations to Select, Transport, and Grow
時間:2023-11-30 11:00 - 12:00
12/4 農生中心演講
講題:Herbal medicines modulate B cell-mediated humoral immunity against cancer
時間:2023-12-04 11:00 - 12:00
12/5 分生所演講
講題:From bench to clinic- an overview of biologics drug development
主講者:Dr. Carolyn T. Hsu (Associate Director CMC Clinical Program Management R&D Integration & Program Management Alkermes, Waltham, MA)
時間:2023-12-05 11:00 - 12:00
12/6 分生所演講
講題:The dynamic brain: understanding the synaptic basis of behavior
主講者:Dr. Yi Zuo (Professor Department of Molecular Cell & Developmental Biology University of California Santa Cruz, CA)
時間:2023-12-06 11:00 - 12:00
12/6 基因體中心演講
講題:Advances in Genome-Edited Hematopoietic Stem Cells for Ameliorating Age-Related Declines: New Clinical Paradigms
主講者:Yu-ChiauShyu, Ph.D.
時間:2023-12-06 15:00 - 16:30
12/8 生化所演講
講題:Listen to heme! You are exhausted for fighting against tumors
主講者:Ping-Chih Ho教授 (瑞士洛桑大學)
時間:2023-12-08 11:00 - 12:00


許多 AAA+(與多種細胞活動相關的 ATP 酶)蛋白質透過將底物穿過其六聚體組件的中心孔來充當蛋白質或 DNA 重塑劑。在這種 ATP 依賴性易位狀態下,底物被排列成通用右手螺旋樓梯組織的 ATP 酶結構域的孔環所抓住。
PAICS ubiquitination recruits UBAP2 to trigger phase separation for purinosome assembly
Purinosomes serve as metabolons to enhance de novo purine synthesis (DNPS) efficiency through compartmentalizing DNPS enzymes during stressed conditions. However, the mechanism underpinning purinosome assembly and its pathophysiological functions remains elusive.
Terpene Synthases in the Biosynthesis of Drimane-Type Sesquiterpenes across Diverse Organisms
Drimane-type sesquiterpenes (DTSs) are significant terpenoid natural products characterized by their unique C15 bicyclic skeleton. They are produced by various organisms including plants, fungi, bacteria and marine organisms, and exhibit a diverse array of bioactivities.
HDA19屬於Reduced Potassium Dependence3/Histone Deacetylase-1(RPD3/HDA1)超家族的第一類,是一種經過深入研究的組蛋白去乙醯化酶。
An activity-based functional test for identifying homologous recombination deficiencies across cancer types in real time
Homologous recombination (HR)-mediated DNA repair is a prerequisite for maintaining genome stability. Cancer cells displaying HR deficiency (HRD) are selectively eliminated by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors (PARPis).
Structural and functional analysis of vaccinia viral fusion complex component protein A28 through NMR and molecular dynamic simulations
ost cell entry of vaccinia virus (a poxvirus) proceeds through multiple steps that involve many viral proteins to mediate cell infection. Upon binding to cells, vaccinia virus membrane fuses with host membranes via a viral entry fusion protein complex comprising 11 proteins: A16, A21, A28, F9, G3, G9, H2, J5, L1, L5 and O3.
Structural and functional analyses of viral H2 protein of the vaccinia virus entry fusion complex
Virus-mediated membrane fusion involves conformational changes of the viral fusion protein to fuse the opposing viral and host lipid bilayers. Unlike all other known viruses that contain a single fusion protein, poxviruses harbor a multimeric protein complex of 11 subunits, termed the entry fusion complex (EFC), to mediate fusion with host membranes.
Key processes required for the different stages of fungal carnivory by a nematode-trapping fungus
Nematodes are ubiquitous in soil and are the most abundant animals on Earth. Some fungi have evolved the ability to prey on nematodes in nutrient-deficient environments.
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