
Inst. of Biomedical Sciences - 譚婉玉 Tarn, Woan-Yuh
譚婉玉 Tarn, Woan-Yuh WOS Author profile image
Journal 73
Book 5
  • Tu CC, and Tarn WY.* Splicing of pre-mRNA. 1, 2015.
  • Chen HH, Lin JC, and Tarn WY.* Recent advances in understanding of alternative splicing in neuronal pathogenesis. 207-228, 2011.
  • Lu YS, and Tarn WY.* Splicing of pre-mRNA. On-line, 2010-09.
  • Gopal G, and Tarn WY. RNA Binding Proteins in Development and Disease. 35-60, 2008.
  • Li C, and Tarn WY.* Splicing. 1788-1792, 2006.
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