
The Life Science Library (LSL) was established in May 1996 with a goal to provide better service and enhance more efficient use of resources for the Institutes of the Division of Life Sciences, including Institute of Molecular BiologyInstitute of Biological ChemistryInstitute of Biomedical ScienceInstitute of Plant and Microbial BiologyInstitute of Cellular and Organismic BiologyAgricultural Biotechnology Research CenterGenomics Research Center Biodiversity Research Center and Biomedical Translation Research Center. The LSL is located on Ecological Exhibition Center (a.k.a. Eco Pavilion). It houses over 12,000 volumes,6,500 journal titles and more than 50 databases. The Library is continuously expanding relevant collection to support scientific community in Taiwan. The services go beyond the traditional to include document delivery and education services ranging from brief orientations to broad or specialized classes. The Library is open to all in Academia Sinica and the public.
Tel:+886-2-2789-9829 Fax:+886-2-2653-5662 
Address:128 Sec. 2 Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei 115 Taiwan R.O.C. (Eco Pavilion) Modified:05/21/2024 09:02:24