
Classifies citations as "supporting," "contradicting," or "mentioning," providing insight into the actual composition of citation numbers and objectively presenting the value of literature, while filtering out controversial research. Don’t forget Scite Assistant, the academic version of ChatGPT, provides answers based on scholarly literature with real referencing sources
Trial Period:Current Until September 25

Designed specifically for scholarly writing, this powerful tool helps correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation, optimizes structure, offers vocabulary, and even style suggestions. With Writefull, non-native speakers can also produce accurate, refined, and fluent original academic articles.

Recommended workflow with the toolset:
  • Use Scite to search and build an initial literature database
  • Let Writefull assistant to polish your prose to scholarly excellence

These cutting-edge tools, each with its own specialty, complement each other to inject new momentum into your research, significantly boosting your productivity. Embrace the future of academic research today -- your groundbreaking discoveries await!
Trial Period:Current until September 25
Tel:+886-2-2789-9829 Fax:+886-2-2653-5662 
Address:128 Sec. 2 Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei 115 Taiwan R.O.C. (Eco Pavilion) Modified:09/02/2024 09:18:52