
Items Borrow / Return

How do I place a hold on the item?

Search in Library Catalog -> click 「Request」on the top -> enter your name and ID

How do I renew my items?

What would library do when the patron claims a return?

Our librarian will search for them in the library stacks. If books are not available, the patron would be informed to search again and the status of books will be marked “claim returned” at a week. If books cannot be found, this patron will be charged with replacement and processing fees according to the library’s policy

Why cannot I receive library notices via Email?

Please contact us to recheck your email

Where can I get the information about who placed a hold on borrowing book, or other patrons' loan records?

According to the personal private right, we should not reveal such information to anyone

Why cannot I find items from library stacks according to the record in Library Catalog?

  • If the location placed on the record is shown as “Institute of Biological Chemistry”, it means the holding is located on Taiwan University. you could get this item from Inter-library loan service
  • Items reshelved by staffs or readers are not put back in the correct place, please left your contact information and we wiil send an email notice or give you a call when we find them
  • Somebody may hide items on purpose to keep it from being checked out

Do requesters need to place a hold on the new books?

The requesters who recommend new books will have the first priority to receive the books they recommend after they are withdrawn from the display zone

How do I check out the new books after displaying?

A new book which no longer on display will be loaned to the requester who made the first reserve and the requester will receive the notice by email. After that, the requester who made the second reserve will receive the book and so on. A reserved book will be kept for the current rightful requester for 4 days only. After the reserving period, the reserved book will either be transferred to the next rightful requester or directly to the library bookshelf

Where can I get the number of people who placed a hold on new books?

Please search it in Library Catalog

When will the new books be withdrawn from displaying?Where can I find it?

New books will be withdrawn on the next day of the end of display period. They will either be transferred to the next rightful patron who place a hold or directly to the library bookshelf. Please search them from our WebOPAC or place a hold on line, or go to the circulation desk of LSL instead to do it

Where can I find the informaiton about the past new books displaying?

The information about the past new books displaying can be found on Back Books and on Library Catalog


Where can I get the journal if LSL does not have it?

Please go to DDS to apply

How do I request a purchase on new journal?

It requires 3 principal investigators to sign the recommending forms for new journal. Please remember to describe the recommended reasons in the forms. The forms will be sent to the reviewing committee held yearly for the approval

Purchase Request

How do I request a purchase?

You can request a purchase through Purchase Request Form

When does recommended books arrive?

Please check Purchase Request Result or search in Library Catalog

How can I check out the recommended books in need when they arrived in library?

Please contact us and ask for the loan rules

Tel:+886-2-2789-9829 Fax:+886-2-2653-5662 
Address:128 Sec. 2 Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei 115 Taiwan R.O.C. (Eco Pavilion) Modified:08/28/2023 13:17:00