
展期 : 2023-08-28 ~ 2023-09-04
A field guide to tropical plant families
Advances in Agronomy v.181
Advances in Applied Microbiology v.123
Advances in Immunology v.158
Advances in Microbial Physiology v.83
Advances in Parasitology v.121
Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology v.136
Agro and food processing technologies
Alginate biomaterial
Animal models of reproductive behavior
Bacterial pathogenesis : methods and protocols
Basic and clinical immunology by names
Biodiversity, functional ecosystems and sustainable food production
Brain-iron cross talk
Cognizance of schizophrenia: a profound insight into the psyche
Computational vaccine design
Convergent evolution : animal form and function
Corals and reefs
Dietary lipids, nutritional and technological aspects
Ecology, systematics, and the natural history of predaceous diving beetles (coleoptera: dytiscidae)
Food and the immune system
Garden plants taxonomy. Volume 2, Angiosperms (eudicots)
Genetically Incorporated Non-Canonical Amino Acids
Genome editing for precision crop breeding
Grant writing for medical and healthcare professionals
Green protein processing technologies from plants
Guidelines for laboratory quality managers
Gut microbiota in aging and chronic diseases
Human brain and spinal cord tumors : from bench to bedside. Volume 1, Neuroimmunology and neurogenetics
Human chromosome atlas : introduction to diagnostics of structural aberrations
Imaging in virus research
Induced Mutation Breeding
International Review of Neurobiology v.169
Intestinal differentiated cells : methods and protocols
Ionizing radiation and the immune response. Part B
Kidney research : experimental protocols
Manual of biobank quality management
Metabolic reprogramming : methods and protocols
Microbial genomic islands in adaptation and pathogenicity
Microfluidic systems for cancer diagnosis
Mineralogical Analysis Applied to Forensics
Molecular biology of human cancers
Mushrooms with therapeutic potentials
Nanorobotics and nanodiagnostics in integrative biology and biomedicine
Nanotechnological approaches to the advancement of innovations in aquaculture
Neurogenetics : current topics in cellular and developmental neurobiology
Neuroglia : function and pathology
Paleoneurology of amniotes
Plant cytogenetics and cytogenomics
Protein cages : design, structure, and applications
Pulmonary pharmacology
Reactive oxygen species in plants
Southern baltic coastal systems analysis
Stem cell-based neural model systems for brain disorders
Sustainable agrobiology
Technological advancement in algal biofuels production
The flax genome
The ocean and us
The renin angiotensin system in cardiovascular disease
Translational methods for PTSD research
Translational research methods for alcohol use disorders
Tubercular drug delivery systems
Varicella-zoster virus
Viral fitness and evolution
Volume electron microscopy
Wild food plants for zero hunger and resilient agriculture
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地址:臺北市南港區研究院路二段128號(生態時代館) 更新日期:05/09/2024 09:34:34