
展期 : 2024-01-22 ~ 2024-01-29
Information theory : a tutorial introduction
黑潮震盪 : 從臺灣東岸啟航的北太平洋時空之旅
Acceleration of the Biopsychosocial Model in Public Health
Bacteriophages : methods and protocols
Cancer health disparities : from determinants of disparities to solutions for equity
Clinical applications of mass spectrometry in drug analysis : methods and protocols
Digital Twins and Healthcare: Trends, Techniques, and Challenges
Dynamics of Swarm Intelligence Health Analysis for the Next Generation
Familial cardiomyopathies : methods and protocols
Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals
Machine Learning and AI Techniques in Interactive Medical Image Analysis
Math for scientists : refreshing the essentials
Medical Cannabis and the Effects of Cannabinoids on Fighting Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Parkinson's, and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases
NEW TOEIC 7大題型拿滿分秘技
Plant peptide hormones and growth factors
Proteases and cancer : methods and protocols
Psychophysiology methods
Recent Advancements in Smart Remote Patient Monitoring, Wearable Devices, and Diagnostics Systems
Reverse genetics of RNA viruses : methods and protocols
Stem cells and lineage commitment : methods and protocols
Viral metagenomics : methods and protocols
Wolbachia : methods and protocols
Young people’s voice in school science : research from five years in the classroom
內臟疲勞修復全書: 你聽見身體求救的聲音嗎?從大腦.腸胃.肝臟全面緩解你的不適
呼吸原力: 釋放傷痛.激發創造力.提升自我價值感,最原始也最強大的力量
增肌減脂 蛋白質速查輕圖典: 收錄800種常見食品營養素╳正確養肌減重祕訣╳57道健瘦身食譜
救命飲食3.0.越營養, 越生病?!: 全食物蔬食在對抗病毒.逆轉疾病有驚人的好處!
明星教練的超有感徒手健身計畫: 160個訓練動作.30組高效燃脂HIIIT, 從褲子變鬆.線條緊實開始, 感覺驚人的體態變化!
英文閱讀特訓班: 中級篇
越吃越瘦的快速新陳代謝飲食: 不用計算卡路里,4週減下9公斤!
食藥史: 從快樂草到數位藥丸,塑造人類歷史與當代醫療的藥物事典
電話:(02) 2789-9829 傳真:(02) 2653-5662 
地址:臺北市南港區研究院路二段128號(生態時代館) 更新日期:05/09/2024 09:34:34