


Every day, thousands of scholarly papers are being discovered, discussed and shared. Researchers care about what people are saying about their work. Increasingly they need to show the impact of their papers, books and datasets are having beyond just citations.

Altmetric tracks what people are saying about papers online on behalf of publishers, authors, libraries and institutions.



Illuminate research impact with Altmetric data.

Altmetric collects mentions of scholarly articles from all across the Web by gathering attention from newspapers, blogs, social media, and more. In minutes, you can bring Altmetric data to your journal platform or application with our embeddable badges. Alternatively, pick just the metrics you care about using the powerful enterprise-level Altmetric API.

For non-commercial use, the Altmetric API is free! Mash up Altmetric data with your own, and enhance your research or visualizations.


Dive into the data with the Altmetric Explorer.

Our intuitive web app, the Altmetric Explorer, brings all of the scholarly conversations to you. Editors, press officers, publishers, librarians and researchers can use the Altmetric Explorer to quickly and efficiently monitor the online attention paid to scholarly articles.


Get altmetrics instantly with the free Altmetric Bookmarklet.

Use the altmetrics free bookmarklet on any recent scholarly article to see how much attention it has received online. Simply click "Altmetric It" while reading a paper, and instantly get a snapshot of its Altmetric data.



Products of Altmetrics



If you have any queries regarding the use of Almterics, feel free to contact:

Mahantesh Biradar

Graduate PhD Candidate

IBMS, Academia Sinica