期刊 23
- Hsin‑Ying Chang, Hsi‑Ching Yen, Hsiu‑An Chu and Chih‑Horng Kuo*. Population genomics of a thermophilic cyanobacterium revealed divergence at subspecies level and possible adaptation genes. BOTANICAL STUDIES. 65, 35, 2024-12. [JCR] [WOS]
- Yen-I Cheng, Yu-Chen Lin, Jyh-Yih Leu, Chih-Horng Kuo*, (Hsiu-An Chu)*. Comparative analysis reveals distinctive genomic features of Taiwan hot-spring cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus sp. TA-1. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 13, 932840, 2022-08-11. [JCR] [WOS]
- Yi-Fang Chiu , and (Hsiu-An Chu)*. New structural and mechanistic insights into functional roles of cytochrome b559 in photosystem II. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, 914922, 2022-06. [JCR] [WOS]
- Yi-Fang Chiu , Han-Yi Fu , Petra Skotnicov´a, Keng-Min Lin , Josef Komenda* and (Hsiu-An Chu)*. Tandem gene amplification restores photosystem II accumulation in cytochrome b559 mutants of cyanobacteria. NEW PHYTOLOGIST. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17785, 1-9, 2022-01. [JCR] [WOS]
- Yen-I Cheng, Lin Chou, Yi-Fang Chiu, Hsin-Ta Hsueh, Chih-Horng Kuo*, (Hsiu-An Chu)*. Comparative genomic analysis of a novel strain of Taiwan hot-spring cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus sp. CL-1. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 11,82, 2020-01. [JCR] [WOS]
- Endo K, Kobayashi K, Wang HT, (Chu HA), Shen JR, Wada H*. Site-directed mutagenesis of two amino acid residues in cytochrome b559 α subunit that interact with a phosphatidylglycerol molecule (PG772) induces quinone-dependent inhibition of photosystem II activity. Photosynthesis Research. 139(1-3),267–279, 2019-02. [JCR] [WOS]
- Huang JY, Hung NZ, Lin KM, Chiu YF, (Chu Hsiu-An)*. Regulating photoprotection improves photosynthetic growth and biomass production in QC-site mutant cells of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Photosynthetica. 56(1), 192-199, 2018-03. [JCR] [WOS]
- Jine-Yung Huang et al.and (Hsiu-An Chu)*. Mutations of cytochrome b559 and PsbJ on and near the QC site in photosystem II influence the regulation of short-term light response and photosynthetic growth of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. BIOCHEMISTRY. 55(15), 2214-2226, 2016-03. [JCR] [WOS]
- (Hsiu-An Chu)* and Yi-Fang Chiu. The roles of cytochrome b559 in assembly and photoprotection of Photosystem II revealed by site-directed mutagenesis studies. Frontiers in Plant Science. 6, 1261, 2016-01. [JCR] [WOS]
- Chiou-Rong Sheue* et al. A Variation on Chloroplast Development: the Bizonoplast and Photosynthetic Efficiency in of the Deep Shade Plant. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 102(4), 500-511, 2015-04. [JCR] [WOS]
- (Hsiu-An Chu)*. Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy for studying the molecular mechanism of photosynthetic water oxidation. Frontiers in Plant Science. 4, 146, 2013-05. [JCR] [WOS]
- Yi-Fang Chiu, Yung-Han Chen, Mercedes Roncel, Preston L. Dilbeck, Jine-Yung Huang, Shyue-Chu Ke, José M. Ortega, Robert L. Burnap, and (Hsiu-An Chu)*. Spectroscopic and functional characterization of cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 mutants on the cytoplasmic-side of cytochrome b559 in photosystem II . BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS. 1827, 507-519, 2013-04. [JCR] [WOS]
- Chen YT, Shen CH, Lin WD, (Chu HA), Huang BL, Kuo CI, Yeh KW, Huang LC*, Chang IF*. Small RNAs of Sequoia sempervirens during rejuvenation and phase change. PLANT BIOLOGY. 15(1), 27-36, 2013-01. [JCR] [WOS]
- (Chu HA), Chang IF, Shen CH, Chen YT, Wang HT, Huang LC*, Yeh KW*. Photosynthetic properties and photosystem stoichiometry of in vitro-grown juvenile, adult, and rejuvenated Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. BOTANICAL STUDIES. 53, 223-227, 2012-04. [JCR] [WOS]
- Hou, L.H., Wu, C.M., Huang, H.H., (Chu HA)* . Effects of ammonia on the structure of the oxygen-evolving complex in photosystem II as revealed by light-induced FTIR difference spectroscopy. BIOCHEMISTRY. 50, 9248-9254, 2011-11. [JCR] [WOS]
- Wang TH, Chen YH, Huang JY, Liu KC, Ke SC*, (Chu HA)*. Enzyme kinetics, inhibitors, mutagenesis and electron paramagnetic resonance analysis of dual-affinity nitrate reductase in unicellular N2-fixing cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. PCC 8801. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. 49, 1369-1376, 2011-11. [JCR] [WOS]
- Chang IF, Chen PJ, Shen CH, Hsieh TJ, Hsu YW, Huang BL, Kuo CI, Chen YT, (Chu HA), Yeh KW, Huang LC*. Proteomic profiling of proteins associated with the rejuvenation of Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. Proteome Science. 8(1), 64, 2010-12. [JCR] [WOS]
- Hung, C.H., Hwang, H.J., Chiu, Y.F., Chen Y.H., Ke, S.C., Burnap, R.L., and Chu, H.-A.*. Spectroscopic and functional characterizations of Synechocystsis 6803 mutant on and near the heme axial-ligand of cytochrome B559 in photosystem II. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 285, 5653-5663, 2010-02. [JCR] [WOS]
- Chiu YF, Lin WC, Wu CM, Chen YH, Hung CH, Ke SC, (Chu HA)*. Identification and characterization of a cytochrome b559 synechocystis 6803 mutant spontaneously generated from DCMU-inhibited photoheterotrophycal growth conditions. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS. 1787, 1179-1188, 2009-05. [JCR] [WOS]
- C. H. Hung, J. Y. Huang, Y. F. Chiu, and H.-A. Chu*. site-directed mutagenesis on the heme axial-ligands of cytochrome b559 in photosystem II by using cyanobacteria Synechocystis PCC 6803. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS. 1716, 686-693, 2007. [JCR] [WOS]
- C. H. Fang, K. A. Chiang, C. H. Hung, K. Chang, S. C. Ke* and H.-A. Chu*. Effects of Ethylene Glycol and Methanol on Ammonia-induced Structural Changes of the Oxygen-evolving Complex in Photosystem II. Biochemistry. 44, 9758-9765, 2005. [JCR] [WOS]
- H. A. Chu*, Y. W. Feng, C. M. Wang, K. A. Chiang and S. C. Ke*. Ammonia-induced structural changes of the oxygen-evolving complex in photosystem II as revealed by light-induced FTIR different spectroscopy. Biochemistry. 43, 10877-10885, 2004. [JCR] [WOS]
- H. A. Chu, W. Hillier and R. J. Debus. Evidence that the C-terminus of the D1 polypeptide of photosystem II is ligated to the manganese ion that undergoes oxidation during the S1 to S2 transition: an isotope-edited FTIR study. Biochemistry. 43, 3152-3166, 2004. [JCR] [WOS]