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Period : 2023-07-31 ~ 2023-08-07
Biophysics: Searching for Principles
Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine
Stochastic Thermodynamics: An Introduction
Systems Biology of Cell Signaling: Recurring Themes and Quantitative Models
Advanced methods in structural biology
Advances in Marine Biology. v.94
Alternative methods in neurotoxicology
Antifungal Drug Resistance
Antifungal immunity : methods and protocols
Carbohydrate-protein interactions : methods and protocols
Cell viability assays : methods and protocols
Clinical applications of nucleic acid amplification
Comprehensive Natural Products III: Chemistry and Biology
Computational modeling of signaling networks
Encyclopedia of Infection and Immunity
Epigenetics in Health and Disease Part B
Microbial enzymes and metabolites for health and well-being
Mitochondria and Bacterial Pathogens. Part B
Modifications and targeting of protein termini. Part A
New experimental probes for enzyme specifity and mechanism
Oxygen sensing : methods and protocols
Plant Genome Engineering
Pyroptosis : methods and protocols
Somatic cell nuclear transfer technology
Somatosensory Research Methods
Spectral and imaging cytometry : methods and protocols
The immune synapse : methods and protocols
Thermogenic fat : methods and protocols
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