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Period : 2023-11-13 ~ 2023-11-20
A guide to applied machine learning for biologists
A practical guide to breast cancer treatment
Annual plant : sources of fibres, nanocellulose and cellulosic derivatives : processing, properties and applications
Application of gray system theory in fishery science
Application of omic techniques to identify new biomarkers and drug targets for COVID-19
Atlas of assisted reproductive technologies
Atlas of male infertility microsurgery
Atlas of sonography of parathyroid
Benefits of silicon in the nutrition of plants
Bioactive compounds in bryophytes and pteridophytes
Biochar-based nanocomposites for contaminant management
Climate change impacts on agriculture : concepts, issues and policies for developing countries
Computational drug discovery and design
Computerized systems for diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19
Coral reefs of Eastern Asia under anthropogenic impacts
COVID-19 and perinatology
COVID-19, supply chain, climate change, and sustainable development in Africa
Current trends in computational modeling for drug discovery
Cyanobacteria in biotechnology
Cyanobacterial biotechnology in the 21st century
Ethics and pandemics : interdisciplinary perspectives on COVID-19 and future pandemics
Evolutionary dynamics of malignancy
Extractive farming or bio farming? : making a better choice for the 21st Century
Forensic aspects in emergency medicine : for ambulance - and emergency physician
Fundamentals of pediatric neuro-ophthalmology
Handbook of bioethical decisions.
Handbook on COVID-19 pandemic and older persons : narratives and issues from India and beyond
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High performance computing for drug discovery and biomedicine
Introduction to insect biotechnology
Lateral neck swellings : diagnostic and therapeutic challenges
Microalgae biotechnology for wastewater treatment, resource recovery and biofuels
Molecular marker techniques : a potential approach of crop improvement
NADPH oxidases revisited : from function to structure
Nanomaterial-based drug delivery systems
Nanomedicine : emerging prospects
Nanosensors for point-of-care diagnostics of pathogenic bacteria
New tide of natural product chemistry
Oncology : genomics, precision medicine and therapeutic targets
Optimizing pharmacotherapy in older patients
Phage display : methods and protocols
Phase mapping of human biological tissues : data processing algorithms for forensic time of death estimation
Prime ayurvedic plant drugs
Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products. 122, Botanical dietary supplements and herbal medicines
Psychological considerations in the young athlete
Quantum biology of the eye : understanding the essentials
Rhodophyta. Volume 4, Sporolithales, corallinales and hapalidiales
Rhodophyta. Volume 5, Ahnfeltiales, gigartinales, sebdeniales, nemastomatales, plocamiales, gracilariales and rhodymeniales
River conservation and water resource management
Solvent-induced interactions and forces in protein folding
Sustainable squirrel conservation : a modern reassessment of family sciuridae
Synopsis of pathophysiology in nuclear medicine
Temporal and spatial environmental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
The almond tree genome
The milan system for reporting salivary gland cytopathology
The olfactory system
The social psychology of eating
Toxicology and human health
Trending topics in Escherichia Coli research
Xenotransplantation : ethical, regulatory, and social aspects
Zebrafish : methods and protocols
另一種鼓聲: 科學筆記
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Address:128 Sec. 2 Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei 115 Taiwan R.O.C. (Eco Pavilion) Modified:05/09/2024 09:34:52