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Period : 2023-12-11 ~ 2023-12-18
Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics
Thinking probabilistically : stochastic processes, disordered systems, and their applications
30秒肌肉復位術 僵硬.疼痛瞬間消解
Advanced crop improvement. Volume 1, Theory and practice
Advances in maternal-fetal biomedicine
Alzheimer's disease research
Artificial intelligence for healthy longevity
Bioaerosol characterisation, transportation and transmission
Bioinoculants : biological option for mitigating global climate change
Biological and clinical landscape of meningiomas
Biomedical visualisation. Volume 16, Digital visualisation in biomedical education
Bioprospecting of tropical medicinal plants
Biotechnological approaches to sustainable development goals
Cancer neuroscience
Cancer research
Cancer stem cells : basic concept and therapeutic implications
Cardiovascular applications of stem cells
Cartilage : from biology to biofabrication
Cell biology and translational medicine.
Challenging assumptions around dementia
Changing dietary patterns, indigenous foods, and wild foods
Cinnamon : a medicinal plant and a functional food systems
Circulating tumor cells
Cognitive aging and brain health
Conservation genetics in the Neotropics
Emerging food authentication methodologies using GC/MS
Emerging human viral diseases. Volume I, Respiratory and haemorrhagic fever
Ethnobotany of the mountain regions of Brazil
Evolutionary behavioral ecology and psychopathy
Exogenous enzymes as feed additives in ruminants
From pharmD to industry : a fellowship guide
Genedis 2022 : computational biology and bioinformatics
Genome editing in biomedical sciences
Governance and institution in the Indian forest sector
Handbook of anger, aggression, and violence
Handbook of computational neurodegeneration
Handbook on antimicrobial resistance
History of arbovirology : memories from the field. Volume I, Personal reflections
History of arbovirology : memories from the field. Volume II, Virus family and regional perspectives, molecular biology and pathogenesis
Human brain and spinal cord tumors : from bench to bedside. Volume 1, Neuroimmunology and neurogenetics
Human brain and spinal cord tumors : from bench to bedside. Volume 2, The path to bedside management
Industrial microbiology and biotechnology
Industrial starch debranching enzymes
Intracranial EEG
Introduction to quality by design in pharmaceutical manufacturing and analytical development
Lassa fever : epidemiology, immunology, diagnostics, and therapeutics
Liu's principles and practice of laboratory mouse operations
Medicinal plants : biodiversity, biotechnology and conservation
Meta Learning With Medical Imaging and Health Informatics Applications
Meta-analysis in clinical research
Molecular mechanisms of neurotransmitter release
Neurotoxicity of aluminum
New infectious diseases in Germany and Europe
NEW TOEIC新多益聽力測驗大滿貫關鍵攻略: 擬真試題+超詳解析
Peptide bionanomaterials
Personalized medicine meets artificial intelligence
Pharmaceutical process engineering and scale-up principles
Physiological Systems in Insects
Plants for immunity and conservation strategies
Precision approaches to heterogeneity in asthma
Progress in nanomedicine in neurologic diseases
Pumped Hydro Energy Storage for Hybrid Systems
Purinergic signaling in neurodevelopment, neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration
Quantitative ultrasound in soft tissues
Research methodology in bioscience and biotechnology
Retinal degenerative diseases XIX
Soil physical environment and plant growth
Sustainable valorization of agriculture & food waste biomass
The human brainstem
The human impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
The other lepidoptera : moth conservation in Australia
TILLING and Eco-TILLING for crop improvement
Towards sustainable food production in Africa
Transforming biocities
Tumor ecosystem : an ecological view of cancer growth and survival
Visualized medicine : emerging techniques and developing frontiers
Voltage-gated CA2+ channels
Wise Use of Null Hypothesis Tests: A Practitioner's Handbook
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