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Period : 2023-12-25 ~ 2024-01-01
Fluid Mechanics: A Very Short Introduction
Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Nanoscience
The fluid dynamics of cell motility
"Venomous" Bites from "Non-Venomous" Snakes
A journey through tides
Advances in bioinformatics and computational biology
Advances in Clinical Immunology, Medical Microbiology, COVID-19, and Big Data
Advances in Cyanobacterial Biology
Advances in Food Rheology and Its Applications: Development in Food Rheology
Advances in Microbial Biotechnology: Current Trends and Future Prospects
Advances in Nano-Fertilizers and Nano-Pesticides in Agriculture: A Smart Delivery System for Crop Improvement
Advances in Nuclear Fuel Chemistry
Biocompatible Hybrid Oxide Nanoparticles for Human Health: From Synthesis to Applications
Biodiversity of seaweeds in the Egyptian marine waters
Bioinformatics in Agriculture: Next Generation Sequencing Era
Biology and Management of Problematic Crop Weed Species
Biomass, Biofuels, Biochemicals: Climate change mitigation: Sequestration of green house gases
Biostatistics With 'R': A Guide for Medical Doctors
Biotechnical Processing in the Food Industry: New Methods, Techniques, and Applications
Case-based atlas of cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Clinical cases in cardiac electrophysiology.
Computational biomechanics for medicine
Coronavirus drug discovery. Volume 1: SARS-CoV-2 (Covid 19) prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
COVID-19 experience in the Philippines
Current Advances for Development of Functional Foods Modulating Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Technologies for production of nutraceuticals and functional food products
Deciphering drug targets for Alzheimer's disease
Diagnosing history: Medicine in television period drama
Digital Agritechnology: Robotics and Systems for Agriculture and Livestock Production
Doctoring the Black Death: Medieval Europe's Medical Response to Plague
Emery and Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics and Genomics: Hematologic, Renal, and Immunologic Disorders
Engineered nanomaterials for sustainable agricultural production, soil improvement and stress management
Envenomations caused by animals
Environmental Data Analysis with MatLab® or Python: Principles, Applications, and Prospects
Facebook互動行銷: 社群網路創業經營潮+廣告利益超越傳統大躍進.臉書行銷一手掌握,靠小預算玩出龐大商機!
Food Waste Recovery: Processing Technologies, Industrial Techniques, and Applications
Forest Microbiology. Volume 1, Tree Microbiome: Phyllosphere, Endosphere and Rhizosphere
Fundamentals and Application of Atomic Force Microscopy for Food Research
Green Sustainable Process for Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Science: Green Composites: Preparation, Properties and Allied Applications
Handbook of Medical Device Regulatory Affairs in Asia
Making Sense of Medical Statistics
Mass Production of Beneficial Organisms: Invertebrates and Entomopathogens
Matlab® Programming for Biomedical Engineers and Scientists
Meat and Meat Replacements: An Interdisciplinary Assessment of Current Status and Future Directions
Medical Statistics from A to Z: A Guide for Clinicians and Medical Students
Medicinal plants as anti-infectives: current knowledge and new perspectives
Melatonin: Role in Plant Signaling, Growth and Stress Tolerance
Microbial Biotechnology in Food and Health
Molecular physiology and evolution of insect digestive systems
Nano-Enabled Medical Applications
Nanocarriers for Drug-Targeting Brain Tumors
Nanotechnology advancement in agro-food industry
Natural and cultural diversity in the Himalaya
Nitric Oxide in Plant Biology: An Ancient Molecule with Emerging Roles
Ocean Science Data: Collection, Management, Networking and Services
Omics in Horticultural Crops
On the origin of evolution : tracing 'Darwin's dangerous idea' from Aristotle to DNA
One health implications of agrochemicals and their sustainable alternatives
Philosophy of science for biologists
Phycobiotechnology: Biodiversity and Biotechnology of Algae and Algal Products for Food, Feed, and Fuel
Phytochemicals in Food and Health: Perspectives for Research and Technological Development
Plant Extracts: Applications in the Food Industry
Plant Perspectives to Global Climate Changes: Developing Climate-Resilient Plants
Plant Receptor-like Kinases: Role in development and stress
Plastic Pollution and Marine Conservation: Approaches to Protect Biodiversity and Marine Life
Probiotics for Human Nutrition in Health and Disease
Probiotics: Advanced Food and Health Applications
Rangeland wildlife ecology and conservation
Rhetoric of the opioid epidemic : deaths of despair in America
Surviving climate chaos : by strengthening communities and ecosystems
The Chromosome 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
The Evolutionary Biology of Extinct and Extant Organisms
The lives of fungi : a natural history of our planet's decomposers
Therapeutic RNA Nanotechnology: Immunomodulation and Dynamicity
Understanding animal behaviour : what to measure and why
一群人, 讓這裡更美好:雲林改變臺大.臺大守護健康
中醫簡單學 : 最通俗醫書<<四聖心源>>總整理,讓你秒懂陰陽.五行.二十四脈......該補陽還是滋陰
優質飲食全書:法國名廚名醫營養師聯手設計 結合超級食物、低GI&地中海飲食 105道營養均衡、簡單易做的美味料理
地球其實是昆蟲的:奇怪、美妙又不可或缺, 主宰地球的小傢伙
奇蹟醫生陳衛華20年戰勝3癌!:32歲起連患3癌, 奇蹟醫生痊癒活過40年的抗癌養生秘訣
拉筋伸展解剖書: 每天10分鐘, 世界一流健身教練帶你擺脫痠痛, 擁有最佳體態
放鬆.舒壓, 365天的休養書 : 給身心疲憊的你一劑暖暖療癒術
每天都用得上的生活中醫:感冒、失眠、身體虛、四季養生、趕不走的小毛病......你的日常生活大小事, 原來藏在中醫藥文化的傳承裡
當張仲景遇上史丹佛:新冠肺炎治癒率100%的名中醫, 用科學思維帶你理解經典中醫, 遠離病苦
關鍵食.材:烹調隨意, 得病容易!從來就沒有垃圾食物, 只有不當的處理過程
阿嬤的自然養生方:79個有醫學根據, 有效緩解疼痛的自然養生方
養腦, 不養老:腦科學家的逆齡健康法
高階英文寫作課: 精雕句法.段落,GRE寫作大師帶你完成論文攻上英文寫作巔峰
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Address:128 Sec. 2 Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei 115 Taiwan R.O.C. (Eco Pavilion) Modified:05/09/2024 09:34:52