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Period : 2024-11-04 ~ 2024-11-11
A century of interspecific hybridization and introgression in tobacco
Activation and detoxification enzymes
ADME processes in pharmaceutical sciences
Advanced technologies for protein complex production and characterization.
Advances in Clinical Chemistry.v.122
Advances in Clinical Chemistry.v.123
Advances in Host Genetics and Microbiome in Colorectal Cancer-Related Phenotypes
Advances in Immunology.v.163
Advances in Insect Physiology.v.67
Advances in Marine Biology.v.97
Advances in Microbial Physiology.v.85
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.v.1538
Applications of plant molecular farming
Biohydrogen - advances and processes
Bioprospecting of microbial resources for agriculture, environment and bio-chemical industry
Brain leitmotifs
Breast cancer genetics, immunology, and immunotherapy
Breast cancer treatment
Cell biology and translational medicine.
Cellular and molecular aspects of ageing
Chemokine Receptors in Health and Disease
Computational Toxicology
Drug delivery and targeting
Epigenetic Regulation of Cancer
Extracellular Vesicles from Basic Research to Clinical Applications
Food-borne Delivery Systems of Functional Substances for Precision Nutrition
Genetic improvement of rice for salt tolerance
Golden Gate cloning : methods and protocols
Handbook of stem cell applications
Honey in food science and physiology
How to Do Ecology : A Concise Handbook
Introduction to enzyme technology
Lactic acid bacteria : methods and protocols
Lung cancer pathophysiology
Mechanism and genetic susceptibility of neurological disorders
Modern taxonomy of bacteria and archaea
Molecular basis of developmental and stem cell regulation
Molecular mechanisms determining mammalian oocyte quality
Mononuclear Non-heme Iron Dependent Enzymes. Part A
Nanomaterials for biomedical and bioengineering applications
Neuroendocrinology of behavior and emotions
Ocular regeneration : methods and protocols
Plant genome editing technologies
RNA design : methods and protocols
Siderophore and Related Natural Products Biosynthesis
Smart Food Safety
Sourdough microbiota and starter cultures for industry
Sustainable utilization and conservation of plant genetic diversity
Textbook of environment and ecology
Veterinary molecular immunology
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