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Total:110 Records
Dalton transactions
DARU journal of pharmaceutical sciences
Data in brief
Data science journal
Database : the journal of biological databases and curation
Deep sea research (1953)
Deep sea research and oceanographic abstracts
Deep sea research. Part A, Oceanographic research papers
Deep sea research. Part B. Oceanographic literature review
Deep sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers
Deep sea research. Part II, Topical studies in oceanography
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra
Depression and anxiety
Dermatologic therapy
Dermatologica sinica
Dermatology online journal
Deutsche entomologische zeitschrift
Developing world bioethics
Development and psychopathology
Development genes and evolution
Development, growth and differentiation
Developmental & comparative immunology
Developmental biology
Developmental brain research
Developmental cell
Developmental cognitive neuroscience
Developmental disabilities research reviews
Developmental dynamics
Developmental genetics
Developmental medicine and child neurology
Developmental neurobiology
Developmental neurorehabilitation
Developmental neuroscience
Developmental psychobiology
Developmental review
Developmental science
Diabetes research and clinical practice
Diabetes technology & therapeutics
Diabetes therapy
Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity: targets and therapy
Diabetes, obesity & metabolism
Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews
Diabetes/metabolism reviews
Diabetic medicine
Diabetology & metabolic syndrome
Diagnostic and interventional imaging
Diagnostic cytopathology
Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease
Diagnostic molecular pathology
Diagnostic pathology
Die Angewandte makromolekulare chemie
Digestive diseases and sciences
Digestive endoscopy
Disease models & mechanisms
Diseases of aquatic organisms
Diversity and distributions
DNA and cell biology
DNA research
Documenta ophthalmologica
Doklady biochemistry and biophysics
Domestic animal endocrinology
Drosophila information service
Drug and alcohol dependence
Drug and alcohol review
Drug design development and therapy
Drug development research
Drug discovery and development
Drug discovery today
Drug discovery today: biosilico
Drug discovery today: disease mechanisms
Drug discovery today: disease models
Drug discovery today: targets
Drug discovery today: technologies
Drug discovery today: therapeutic strategies
Drug resistance updates
Drug target insights
Drug testing and analysis
Drugs: education prevention and policy
Dyes and pigments
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