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Total:75 Records
La revue de medecine interne
La ricerca in clinica e in laboratorio
Lab on a chip
Laboratory animal science
Laboratory automation & information management
Laboratory investigation
Laboratory medicine
Laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology
Lakes & reservoirs: research and management
Lancet global health
Lancet infectious diseases
Lancet neurology
Lancet oncology
Land Use Policy
Landscape and urban planning
Landscape ecology
Langenbeck's archives of surgery
Laser & photonics reviews
Lasers in medical science
Lasers in surgery and medicine
Learning and motivation
Legal medicine
Letters in biomathematics
Letters in peptide science
Leukemia & lymphoma
Leukemia research
Leukemia research and treatment
Leukemia research reports
Library & information science research
Library acquisitions: practice & theory
Liebigs Annalen/Recueil: organic and bioorganic chemistry
Liebigs Annalen: organic and bioorganic chemistry
Life Sciences
Life sciences in space research
Life sciences, society and policy
Light: science & applications
Limnologica : Ecology and management of inland waters
Limnology and oceanography bulletin
Limnology and oceanography e-lectures
Limnology and oceanography: fluids and environments
Limnology and oceanography: methods
Lipid technology
Lipids in health and disease
Liver international
Liver transplantation
Liver transplantation and surgery
Longevity & healthspan
Lung cancer
LWT-Food science and technology
Lymphatic research and biology