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Total:367 Records
IATSS research
ICES journal of marine science
Ichthyological research=Gyoruigaku zasshi 魚類學雜誌(英文版)
Icones plantarum Formosanarum 臺灣植物圖譜
IEE proceedings: systems biology
IEEE journal of translational engineering in health and medicine
IEEE life sciences letters
IET systems biology
IIOAB journal
IJC heart & vasculature
IJC Heart & vessels
IJC metabolic & endocrine
IMA journal of mathematics applied in medicine and biology
Immune network
Immunity and ageing
Immunity, inflammation and disease
Immuno-analyse & Biologie Spécialisée
Immunologic research
Immunological reviews
Immunology and cell biology
Immunology letters
Immunome research
Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology
Implementation science
In vitro cellular & developmental biology: animal
In vitro cellular & developmental biology: plant
In vitro cellular and developmental biology: plant
Indian heart journal
Indian journal of fisheries
Indian journal of human genetics
Indian journal of otolaryngology
Indian journal of otolaryngology and head & neck surgery
Indian journal of pediatrics
Indian journal of pharmacology
Indian journal of plant physiology
Indian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
Indonesian journal of biotechnology
Industrial & engineering chemistry
Industrial & engineering chemistry analytical edition
Industrial & engineering chemistry fundamentals
Industrial & engineering chemistry process design and development
Industrial & engineering chemistry product research and development
Industrial & engineering chemistry research
Industrial & engineering chemistry. Chemical and engineering data series
Industrial biotechnology
Industrial crops and products
Infant and child development
Infant mental health journal
Infection and drug resistance
Infection and immunity
Infection control and hospital epidemiology
Infection ecology & epidemiology
Infection, genetics and evolution
Infectious agents and cancer
Infectious diseases in clinical practice
Infectious diseases newsletter
Infectious diseases of poverty
Inflammation research
Influenza and other respiratory viruses
Influenza research and treatment
Informatics for health & social care
Information processing in agriculture
Information sciences
Innovation in aging
Innovative food science & emerging technologies
Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Inorganica chimica acta
Insect biochemistry
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology
Insect conservation and diversity
Insect molecular biology
Insect science
Insect systematics and diversity
Insectes sociaux
Insights into imaging
Integrated environmental assessment and management
Integrative and comparative biology
Integrative medicine insights
Integrative medicine international
Integrative medicine research
Integrative organismal biology 
Integrative physiological and behavioral science
Integrative psychological & behavioral science
Integrative zoology
Intensive and critical care nursing
Intensive care medicine
Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery
Interdisciplinary neurosurgery
Interdisciplinary sciences: computational life sciences
Internal medicine journal
International aquatic research
International archives of allergy and immunology
International archives of medicine
International archives of occupational and environmental health
International biodeterioration
International biodeterioration & biodegradation
International bulletin of bacteriological nomenclature and taxonomy
International clinical psychopharmacology
International dental journal
International drug therapy newsletter
International endodontic journal
International food safety news
International forestry review
International health
International hepatology communications
International immunology
International immunopharmacology
International journal for equity in health
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering
International journal for parasitology
International journal for parasitology: drugs and drug resistance
International journal for parasitology: parasites and wildlife
International journal for quality in health care
International journal of adhesion and adhesives
International journal of agricultural sustainability
International journal of agronomy
International journal of alzheimer's disease
International journal of analytical chemistry
International journal of andrology
International journal of angiology
International journal of antimicrobial agents
International journal of applied psychoanalytic studies
International journal of behavioral medicine
International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity
International journal of bio-medical computing
International journal of biochemistry
International journal of biochemistry & cell biology
International journal of bioclimatology and biometeorology
International journal of biological macromolecules
International journal of biomaterials
International journal of biomedical imaging
International journal of biometeorology
International journal of bipolar disorders
International journal of cancer
International journal of cardiac imaging
International journal of cardiology
International journal of cell biology
International journal of cell cloning
International journal of chemical kinetics
International journal of clinical and health psychology
International journal of clinical and laboratory research
International journal of clinical medicine
International journal of clinical pharmacy
International journal of clinical practice
International journal of colorectal disease
International journal of cosmetic science
International journal of dairy technology
International journal of dental hygiene
International journal of dermatology
International journal of developmental biology
International journal of developmental neuroscience
International journal of drug policy
International journal of eating disorders
International journal of emergency medicine
International journal of endocrinology
International journal of environmental health research
International journal of environmental research and public health
International journal of epidemiology
International journal of evidence-based healthcare
International journal of evolutionary biology
International journal of experimental pathology
International journal of family therapy
International journal of food microbiology
International journal of food science and technology
International journal of food sciences and nutrition
International journal of gastrointestinal cancer
International journal of gastronomy and food science
International journal of general medicine
International journal of genomics
International journal of geriatric psychiatry
International journal of gerontology
International journal of green nanotechnology
International journal of green pharmacy
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics
International journal of gynecological cancer
International journal of gynecological pathology
International journal of health geographics
International journal of health planning and management
International journal of heat and mass transfer
International journal of hygiene and environmental health
International journal of hypertension
International journal of hyperthermia
International journal of imaging systems and technology
International journal of immunogenetics
International journal of immunopharmacology
International journal of infectious diseases
International journal of insect morphology and embryology
International journal of laboratory hematology
International journal of law and psychiatry
International journal of legal medicine
International journal of mass spectrometry
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes
International journal of medical informatics
International journal of medical microbiology
International journal of medical microbiology supplements
International journal of medical physics, clinical engineering and radiation oncology
International journal of medical robotics and computer assisted surgery
International journal of medical sciences
International journal of mental health nursing
International journal of methods in psychiatric research
International journal of microbiology
International journal of microcirculation
International journal of molecular imaging
International journal of molecular medicine
International journal of molecular sciences
International journal of mycobacteriology
International journal of nanomedicine
International journal of neuropharmacology
International journal of neuropsychopharmacology
International journal of nuclear medicine and biology
International journal of nursing studies
International journal of obesity
International journal of obstetric anesthesia
International journal of older people nursing
International journal of oncology
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery
International journal of oral surgery
International journal of organic chemistry
International journal of orthodontia
International journal of orthodontia and dentistry for children
International journal of orthodontia and oral surgery
International journal of orthodontia and oral surgery (1919)
International journal of orthodontia oral surgery and radiography
International journal of osteoarchaeology
International journal of osteopathic medicine
International journal of paediatric dentistry
International journal of paleopathology
International journal of pancreatology
International journal of pediatric obesity
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology extra
International journal of peptide and protein research
International journal of peptide research and therapeutics
International journal of peptides
International journal of pest management
International journal of pharmaceutics
International journal of pharmacy practice
International journal of phytoremediation
International journal of plant genomics
International journal of plasticity
International journal of protein research
International journal of proteomics
International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice
International journal of psychoanalysis
International journal of psychology = Journal international de psychologie
International journal of psychophysiology
International journal of quantum chemistry
International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part B, Nuclear medicine and biology
International Journal of Radiation Biology and Related Studies in Physics, Chemistry and Medicine
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics
International journal of recycling of organic waste in agriculture
International Journal of Refrigeration
International journal of rheumatic diseases
International journal of stroke
International journal of surgery
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology
International journal of systematic bacteriology
International journal of toxicology
International journal of tropical insect science
International journal of urology
International journal of veterinary science and medicine
International nursing review
International ophthalmology
International orthopaedics
International review of cell and molecular biology
International review of cytology
International review of hydrobiology
International review of neurobiology
International review of psychiatry
International reviews of immunology
International seminars in surgical oncology
International urogynecology journal
International urology and nephrology
International wound journal
International zoo yearbook
Internationale revue der gesamten hydrobiologie
Internationales archiv für arbeitsmedizin
Internationales archiv für gewerbepathologie und gewerbehygiene
Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
Invasive plant science and management
Invertebrate neuroscience
Invertebrate reproduction & development
Invertebrate systematics
Investigational new drugs
Investigative genetics
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science
Investigative radiology
IRE transactions on bio-medical electronics
Irish journal of medical science
ISBT science series
ISME journal
Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing
Issues in science and technology
Italian journal of animal science
Italian journal of neurological sciences
IUP journal of agricultural economics
Tel:+886-2-2789-9829 Fax:+886-2-2653-5662 
Address:128 Sec. 2 Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei 115 Taiwan R.O.C. (Eco Pavilion) Modified:10/29/2024 08:57:22