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Total:128 Records
Habitat international
Handbook of experimental pharmacology
Printed:Formerly: Handbuch der experimentellen Pharmakologie. New series
Handbook of physiology
Printed:(See 圖書區,索書號QT104/H236)
Harm reduction journal
Haseltonia: yearbook of the cactus and succulent society
Hayati journal of biosciences
Hazardous waste
Printed:Continued by: Hazardous waste and hazardous materials
Hazardous waste and hazardous materials
Printed:Continued by: Environmental engineering science
Printed:Formerly: Hazardous waste
Head and neck
Headache: the journal of head and face pain
Health & place
Health & social care in the community
Health & social work
Health and human rights
Health and quality of life outcomes
Health care analysis
Health care food & nutrition focus
Health care management science
Health economics
Health economics review
Health education Research
Health expectations
Health information & libraries journal
Health information science and systems
Health libraries review
Health outcomes research in medicine
Health policy
Health policy and education
Health policy and planning
Health promotion
Health promotion international
Health psychology and behavioral medicine
Health research policy and systems
Health services research
Healthcare transformation
Hearing research
Printed:Formerly: British heart journal
Heart & lung: the journal of acute and critical care
Heart international
Heart, lung and circulation
Helgoland marine research
Helvetica chimica acta
Hematological oncology
Hematology reports
Hematology/oncology and stem cell therapy
Hemodialysis international
Hepatitis research and treatment
Hereditary cancer in clinical practice
Heteroatom chemistry
High altitude medicine & biology
Histochemical journal
Printed:Continued by: Journal of molecular histology
Printed:Continued by: Histochemistry
Printed:Formerly: Histochemie
Printed:Continued by: Histochemistry and cell biology
Histochemistry and cell biology
Printed:Formerly: Histochemistry
HIV medicine
HIV/AIDS : research and palliative care
Holarctic ecology
Hong Kong journal of nephrology
Hormone research
Hormone research in paediatrics
Printed:Formerly: Hormone research
Hormones and behavior
Horticultural plant journal
Hospital food & nutrition focus
Human antibodies
Printed:Formerly : Human antibodies and hybridomas
Human Biology
Human brain mapping
Human communication research
Human ecology
Human gene therapy
Human gene therapy clinical development
Human gene therapy methods
Human genetics
Printed:Formerly: Humangenetik 
Human genome variation
Human genomics
Human genomics and proteomics
Human immunology
Human microbiome journal
Human molecular genetics
Human movement science
Human mutation
Human pathology
Human psychopharmacology: clinical and experimental
Human reproduction
Human reproduction and genetic ethics
Printed:Formerly: European journal of genetics in society
Human reproduction open
Human reproduction update
Human resources for health
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics
Printed:Formerly : Hybridoma and hybridomics
Printed:Continued by: Hybridoma and hybridomics
Hybridoma and hybridomics
Printed:Continued by: Hybridoma
Printed:Formerly: Hybridoma
Hypertension research
電話:(02) 2789-9829 傳真:(02) 2653-5662 
地址:臺北市南港區研究院路二段128號(生態時代館) 更新日期:02/04/2025 16:39:24