Total:112 Records
Radiation botany
Radiation measurements
Radiation oncology
Radiation oncology investigations
Radiation physics and chemistry
Radiation protection dosimetry
Radiation research supplement
Radiotherapy and oncology
Raffles bulletin of zoology
Rangeland ecology & management
Printed:Formerly: Journal of range management
Rapid communications in mass spectrometry
Rare diseases
Rare tumors
REACH - Reviews in Human Space Exploration
Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters
Reactive & functional polymers
Recent progress in hormone research
Printed:v.52-v.55(See 圖書區,索書號WK102/R295)
Recent results in cancer research
Receptors & clinical investigation
Recombinant DNA technical bulletin
Redox biology
Regenerative biomaterials
Regional science and urban economics
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Regulatory peptides
Rehabilitation nursing
Rejuvenation research
Printed:Formerly: Journal of anti-aging medicine
Remote sensing of environment
Renal failure
Renewable agriculture and food systems
Report on the progress and condition of the Royal Gardens at Kew
Reports of patent cases
Reports of patent, design and trade mark cases
Reports of practical oncology
Reports of practical oncology & radiotherapy
Reports of the Tottori Mycological Institute
Reproduction in domestic animals
Reproduction nutrition development
Reproductive biology
Reproductive biology and endocrinology
Reproductive health
Reproductive health matters
Reproductive toxicology
Research and perspectives in Alzheimer's disease
Research and perspectives in endocrine interactions
Research and reports in biochemistry
Research and reports in biology
Research evaluation
Research in autism spectrum disorders
Research in developmental disabilities
Printed:Incorporating Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities and Applied Research in Mental Retardation
Research in experimental medicine
Printed:On 2001 merged into Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Research in immunology
Printed:Incorporated into Microbes and Infection
Research in microbiology
Printed:Formerly known as Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Microbiologie
Research in nursing and health
Research in social and administrative pharmacy
Research in veterinary science
Research in virology
Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation
Research policy
Researches on population ecology
Printed:Continued by : Population ecology
Resource: engineering & technology for a sustainable world
Resources and conservation
Resources, conservation and recycling
Respiration physiology
Respiratory investigation
Respiratory medicine
Respiratory physiology and neurobiology
Printed:Formerly known as Respiration Physiology
Respiratory research
Restoration ecology
Results and problems in cell differentiation
Results in immunology
Results in pharma sciences
Review of applied entomology. Series A, Agricultural
Review of applied entomology. Series B, Medical and veterinary
Review of palaeobotany and palynology
Review of scientific instruments
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries
Reviews in medical microbiology
Reviews in medical virology
Reviews in vascular medicine
Reviews of infectious diseases
Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology
Printed:Formerly: Ergebnisse der physiologie, biologischen chemie und experimentellen pharmakologie
Reviews of reproduction
Printed:Incorporated into: Reproduction
Revue generale de thermique
Printed:Continued as International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Rheedea: journal of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy
Rheumatology international
Rice science
Rice today
RNA biology
Roux's archives of developmental biology
Printed:Formerly: Wilhelm Roux's archives of developmental biology
Printed:Continued by: Development genes and evolution
Royal Society open science
RSC advances
Russian agricultural sciences
Russian journal of plant physiology
Printed:Formerly: Fiziologiya Rastenii