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Total:310 Records
E-health telecommunication systems and networks
e-SPEN the european e-journal of clinical nutrition and metabolism
Early development & parenting
Early human development
Printed:Incorporating Screening
Early intervention in psychiatry
Earth's future
Eating behaviors
Ecological bulletins
Ecological economics
Ecological engineering
Ecological entomology
Ecological Genetics and Genomics
Ecological indicators
Ecological informatics
Ecological management and restoration
Ecological modelling
Ecological processes
Ecology and evolution
Ecology and society
Ecology letters
Ecology of freshwater fish
Economics & human biology
EcoSal Plus
Ecosystem services
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
Egyptian journal of medical human genetics
Egyptian journal of radiology and nuclear medicine
EJNMMI research
Election law journal:rules politics and policy
Electrochimica acta
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology/electromyography and motor control
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology/Evoked potentials section
Electromagnetic biology and medicine
Electronic journal of biotechnology
EMBO molecular medicine
EMBO reports
Emergency medicine
Emergency medicine Australasia
Emergency medicine international
Emergency radiology
Emerging health threats journal
Emerging infectious diseases
Emerging microbes & infections
Emerging themes in epidemiology
Endocrine connections
Endocrine disruptors
Endocrine pathology
Endocrine reviews
Endothelium : journal of endothelial cell research
Energy & environmental science
Energy & fuels
Energy in agriculture
Engineering in life sciences
Printed:Absorbed: Acta biotechnologica
English for specific purposes
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata
Entomological news
Entomological research
Entomological science
Printed:Continued by: BioControl
Environment international
Environment systems and decisions
Environmental and ecological statistics
Environmental and experimental botany
Environmental and molecular mutagenesis
Printed:Formerly: Environmental mutagenesis
Environmental and resource economics
Environmental biology of fishes
Environmental conservation
Environmental earth sciences
Environmental engineering science
Printed:Formerly : Hazardous waste and hazardous materials
Environmental entomology
Environmental epigenetics
Environmental geochemistry and health
Environmental geology
Printed:Formerly: Environmental geology and water sciences
Environmental geology
Printed:Continued by: Environmental geology and water sciences
Environmental geology and water sciences
Printed:Formerly: Environmental geology
Environmental health perspectives
Environmental health: a global access science source
Environmental history
Environmental impact assessment review
Environmental justice
Environmental microbiology
Environmental microbiology reports
Environmental monitoring and assessment
Environmental mutagenesis
Printed:Continued by: Environmental and molecular mutagenesis
Environmental pollution
Environmental pollution (1970)
Environmental pollution. Series A: Ecological and biological
Environmental pollution. Series B: Chemical and physical
Environmental research
Environmental science & policy
Environmental science & technology
Environmental science & technology letters
Environmental science: processes & impacts
Environmental sciences Europe
Environmental toxicology
Printed:Formerly: Environmental toxicology and water quality
Environmental toxicology and chemistry
Environmental toxicology and pharmacology
Printed:Formerly known as European Journal of Pharmacology
Environmental toxicology and water quality
Printed:Continued by: Environmental toxicology
Enzyme and microbial technology
Enzyme research
Epidemiologic perspectives and innovations
Epidemiologic reviews
Epidemiology and community health
Epidemiology and infection
Epidemiology bulletin
Epidemiology monitor
Epigenetics & chromatin
Epilepsy & behavior
Epilepsy research
EPMA journal
EPPO bulletin
Ernst schering research foundation workshop
Printed:Continued by: Ernst Schering Foundation symposium proceedings
Printed:Formerly: Schering Foundation workshop
ESC heart failure
Essays in biochemistry
Printed:v.28-v.31,v.47-v.49 (See 圖書區,索書號QH345/E78)
Essentials in ophthalmology
Printed:Continued by: Estuaries and Coasts
Estuarine and coastal marine science
Estuarine coastal and shelf science
Ethics, Medicine and Public Health
Ethology and sociobiology
EuPA open proteomics
EURASIP journal on bioinformatics and systems biology
European annals of otorhinolaryngology head and neck diseases
European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology
Printed:Formerly: Archives of oto-rhino-laryngology
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience
European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences
European biophysics journal
Printed:Formerly : Biophysics of structure and mechanism
European child & adolescent psychiatry
European diabetes nursing
European eating disorders review
European food research and technology
European heart journal
European heart journal supplements
European heart journal-cardiovascular imaging
European heart journal. Case reports
European heart journal: cardiovascular pharmacotherapy
European journal of applied microbiology
Printed:Continued by: European journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology
European journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology
Printed:Continued by: Applied microbiology and biotechnology
Printed:Formerly: European journal of applied microbiology
European journal of applied physiology
Printed:Formerly : European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology
European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology
Printed:Continued by: European journal of applied physiology
Printed:Formerly: Internationale Zeitschrift fur angewandte Physiologie einschliesslich Arbeitsphysiologie
European journal of biochemistry
Printed:Continued by: FEBS journal
European journal of cancer
Printed:Associated with European Journal of Cancer Supplements
Printed:Formerly known as European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology
European journal of cancer (1965)
European journal of cancer and clinical oncology
European journal of cancer care
European journal of cancer prevention
European journal of cancer supplements
European journal of cancer. Part b: oral oncology
Printed:Continued as Oral Oncology
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery
European journal of cell biology
European journal of clinical investigation
European journal of clinical microbiology
Printed:Continued by: European journal of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases
European journal of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases
Printed:Formerly: European journal of clinical microbiology
European journal of clinical pharmacology
Printed:Formerly: Pharmacologia clinica
European journal of contraception and reproductive health care
European journal of echocardiography
European journal of endocrinology
European journal of entomology
European journal of epidemiology
European journal of forest pathology
Printed:Continued by: Forest pathology
European journal of forest research
Printed:Prior to 2004年1月1日 this journal was named Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt
European journal of haematology
European journal of heart failure
European journal of heart failure supplements
European journal of histochemistry
European journal of human genetics
European journal of immunogenetics
Printed:Continued by: International journal of immunogenetics
European journal of immunology
European journal of inorganic chemistry
European journal of intensive care medicine
Printed:Continued by: Intensive care medicine
European journal of internal medicine
European journal of lipid science and technology
European journal of medical genetics
European journal of medical research
European journal of medicinal chemistry
European journal of neurology
European journal of neuroscience
European journal of nuclear medicine
Printed:Continued by : European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
European Journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
Printed:Formerly : European journal of nuclear medicine
European journal of obstetrics & gynecology
European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology
European journal of oncology nursing
European journal of oral sciences
European journal of organic chemistry
European journal of orthodontics
European journal of paediatric neurology
European journal of pain
European journal of pain supplements
European journal of pediatrics
Printed:Formerly: Zeitschrift fur Kinderheilkunde
European journal of pharmaceutical sciences
European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics
European journal of pharmacology
Printed:Incorporating European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology
European journal of pharmacology. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology
European journal of pharmacology. Molecular pharmacology section
Printed:Incorporated into European Journal of Pharmacology
European journal of physiotherapy
European journal of plant pathology
Printed:Formerly: Netherlands journal of plant pathology
European journal of plastic surgery
European journal of protistology
European journal of public health
European journal of radiology
European journal of radiology extra
European journal of social psychology
European journal of soil science
European journal of surgical oncology
European journal of ultrasound
European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery
European journal of vascular surgery
European neuropsychopharmacology
European polymer journal
European psychiatry
European radiology
European review of agricultural economics
European spine journal
European surgical research
European urology
European urology supplements
Evidence-based cardiovascular medicine
Evidence-based child health: a cochrane review journal
Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : Ecam
Evidence-based gastroenterology
Evidence-based healthcare
Evidence-based obstetrics & gynecology
Evidence-based oncology
Evolution & development
Evolution and human behavior
Evolution, medicine, and public health
Evolutionary anthropology: issues, news, and reviews
Evolutionary applications
Evolutionary bioinformatics online
Evolutionary ecology
Printed:Continued by: Cellular and molecular life sciences
Experimental & translational stroke medicine
Experimental and applied acarology
Experimental and molecular medicine
Experimental and molecular pathology
Experimental and toxicologic pathology
Experimental animals
Experimental biology and medicine
Experimental brain research
Experimental cell biology
Experimental cell research
Experimental dermatology
Experimental diabetes research
Experimental eye research
Experimental gerontology
Experimental hematology
Experimental hematology & oncology
Experimental lung research
Experimental mycology
Printed:Continued by: Fungal genetics and biology
Experimental neurology
Experimental parasitology
Experimental physiology
Experimental thermal and fluid science
Expert systems with applications
Explore: the journal of science and healing
Extreme physiology & medicine
電話:(02) 2789-9829 傳真:(02) 2653-5662 
地址:臺北市南港區研究院路二段128號(生態時代館) 更新日期:02/04/2025 16:39:24