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Total:322 Records
Macromolecular bioscience
Macromolecular chemistry and physics
Macromolecular materials and engineering
Macromolecular rapid communications
Macromolecular symposia
Macromolecular theory and simulations
Magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance in chemistry
Magnetic resonance in medicine
Magnetic resonance materials in physics, biology and medicine
Maine naturalist
Maize genomics and genetics
Malacological review
Printed:v.1(1968)-v.30(2)(1997) [lack v.28, v.30(1)]
Malaria journal
Malesian orchid journal
Mammal review
Mammal study
Mammalian biology
Management accounting research
Managing forest ecosystems
Marine and coastal fisheries
Marine and freshwater behaviour and physiology
Marine and freshwater research
Printed:Formerly: Australian journal of marine and freshwater research
Marine biodiversity records
Marine biology
Marine biotechnology
Marine chemistry
Marine drugs
Marine ecology
Marine ecology progress series
Marine environmental research
Marine fisheries review
Marine genomics
Marine geology
Marine mammal science
Marine micropaleontology
Marine policy
Marine pollution bulletin
Marine resource economics
Maryland tidewater News
Mass spectrometry reviews
Materia socio-medica
Materials and corrosion
Materials and structures
Materials chemistry and physics
Materials letters
Materials research bulletin
Materials science and engineering, R-reports
Printed:Formerly part of Materials Science Reports
Materials science and engineering. A
Materials science and engineering. B
Materials science and engineering. C
Maternal & child nutrition
Mathematical and computer modelling
Mathematical biosciences
Mathematical medicine and biology
Matrix biology
Meat science
Mechanisms of ageing and development
Mechanisms of development
Medecine & droit
Mediators of inflammation
Medical & biological engineering & computing
Medical acupuncture
Medical and biological engineering
Printed:Continued by Medical and biological engineering and computing
Printed:Formerly: Medical electronics and biological engineering
Medical and pediatric oncology
Printed:Continued by: Pediatric blood and cancer
Medical and veterinary entomology
Medical Anthropology Newsletter
Medical anthropology quarterly
Medical education
Medical electron microscopy
Printed:Continued by : Medical Molecular Morphology
Medical electronics and biological engineering
Printed:Continued by: Medical and biological engineering
Medical engineering & physics
Medical epigenetics
Medical gas research
Medical history
Medical history. Supplement
Medical hypotheses
Medical image analysis
Medical immunology
Medical informatics and the Internet in medicine
Medical laser application
Medical law review
Medical microbiology and immunology
Printed:Formerly: Zeitschrift fur medizinische Mikrobiologie und Immunologie
Medical molecular morphology
Medical mycology
Medical mycology case reports
Medical oncology
Printed:Formerly : Medical oncology and tumor pharmacotherapy
Medical oncology and tumor pharmacotherapy
Printed:Continued by: Medical oncology
Medical photonics
Medical principles and practice
Medical radiology
Medical science monitor
Medical science monitor basic research
Medical sciences
Medicina et pharmacologia experimentalis. International journal of experimental medicine
Medicina experimentalis. International journal of experimental medicine
Medicinal research reviews
Mediterranean journal of hematology and infectious diseases
Memoir (society of vertebrate paleontology)
Memoir (The paleontological society)
Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture Ehime University
Memoirs of the National Science Museum
Printed:no.47(2011)-no.52(2018) [lack no.51]
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
Printed:v.10(3,5)(1961)-v.25(1)(1973),v.28(3-4)(1976) [lack v.13]
Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club
Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Society
Meta gene
Metabolic brain disease
Metabolic engineering
Metabolic syndrome and related disorders
Metabolomics : Official journal of the Metabolomic Society
Methods in biotechnology
Methods in cell biology
Methods in cell science
Printed:On 2004 this journal was merged into Cytotechnology
Printed:Formerly: Journal of tissue culture methods
Methods in enzymology
Methods in microbiology
Methods in molecular and cellular biology
Methods in molecular biology
Methods in molecular medicine
Methods in oceanography
Methods in organic synthesis
Methods in pharmacology and toxicology
Methods in plant biochemistry
Printed:v.1-v.10 (See 圖書區,索書號QK861/M592)
Methods: a companion to methods in enzymology
Printed:Incorporating Neuroprotocols Incorporating ImmunoMethods
Micro & nano letters
Microbes and environments
Microbes and infection
Printed:Incorporating Annales de l'Institut PasteurImmunologie, Annales de l'Institut PasteurVirologie, Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur, Research in Immunology and Research in Virology
Microbial and comparative genomics
Printed:Continued by: OMICS
Printed:Formerly: Genome science and technology
Microbial biotechnology
Microbial cell
Microbial cell factories
Microbial drug resistance
Microbial ecology in health and disease
Microbial Genomics
Microbial informatics and experimentation
Microbial pathogenesis
Microbiological research
Microbiological reviews
Printed:Continued by: Microbiology and molecular biology reviews
Printed:Formerly: Bacteriological reviews
Printed:Formerly: Journal of general microbiology
Microbiology and immunology
Microbiology and immunology.
Printed:Continued by: Microbiology and immunology
Microbiology and molecular biology reviews
Printed:Formerly: Microbiological reviews
Microbiology spectrum
Printed:v.85(342)(1996)-v.106 (415)(2001)[lack v.92(370)(1998)]
Microchemical journal
Printed:Incorporating Electron Microscopy Reviews and Micron and Microscopica Acta
Microporous and mesoporous materials
Microporous materials
Microscopy and microanalysis
Printed:v.6(2000)-v.9(2003) [lack v.7(4)]
Microscopy research
Microscopy research and technique
Printed:Formerly: Journal of electron microscopy technique
Microscopy today
Microvascular research
Midland naturalist
Printed:Continued by: American Midland Naturalist
Milbank quarterly
Minerals and the Environment
Minimally invasive therapy and allied technologies
MIRCEN journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology
Printed:Continued by: World journal of microbiology and biotechnology
Missouri botanical garden annual report
MIT Technology Review
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources
Mitochondrial DNA. Part A, DNA mapping, sequencing, and analysis
Mobile DNA
Modern chemotherapy
Modern drug discovery
Modern research in inflammation
Modern rheumatology
Molecular & cellular proteomics
Molecular and biochemical parasitology
Molecular and cellular biochemistry
Molecular and cellular biology
Molecular and cellular biomechanics
Molecular and cellular endocrinology
Molecular and cellular neuroscience
Molecular and cellular probes
Molecular and clinical oncology
Molecular and general genetics
Printed:Continued by: Molecular genetics and genomics
Printed:Formerly: Zeitschrift fur Vererbungslehre
Molecular aspects of medicine
Molecular autism
Molecular biology and evolution
Molecular biology international
Molecular biology of the cell
Printed:Formerly: Cell regulation
Molecular biology reports
Molecular biosystems
Molecular biotechnology
Printed:Issued as: Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, part B
Molecular brain
Molecular brain research
Molecular breeding
Molecular cancer
Molecular cancer research
Molecular cancer therapeutics
Molecular carcinogenesis
Molecular cell
Molecular cell biology research communications
Printed:Title discontinued as of 2002
Molecular cytogenetics
Molecular ecology
Molecular Ecology Notes
Printed:Continued by: Molecular Ecology Resources
Molecular Ecology Resources
Printed:Formerly: Molecular Ecology Notes
Molecular endocrinology
Molecular engineering
Molecular entomology
Molecular genetics & genomic medicine
Molecular genetics and genomics
Printed:Formerly: Molecular and General Genetics
Molecular genetics and metabolism
Printed:Formerly known as Biochemical and Molecular Medicine
Molecular genetics and metabolism reports
Molecular human reproduction
Molecular imaging
Molecular imaging and radionuclide therapy
Molecular immunology
Molecular informatics
Molecular marine biology and biotechnology
Printed:v.1(1991)-v.7(1998) [lack v.2(2,4)(1993), v.3(5)(1994)]
Molecular medicine
Molecular medicine reports
Molecular medicine today
Printed:Continued as Trends in Molecular Medicine
Molecular membrane biology
Molecular metabolism
Molecular microbiology
Molecular neurobiology
Molecular neurodegeneration
Molecular nutrition & food research
Molecular oncology
Molecular oral microbiology
Molecular pain
Molecular pathogens
Molecular pharmaceutics
Molecular pharmacology
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution
Molecular plant
Molecular plant breeding
Molecular plant pathology
Molecular plant-microbe interactions
Molecular psychiatry
Molecular reproduction and development
Molecular soil biology
Molecular systems biology
Molecular therapy - Methods & clinical development
Molecular therapy - nucleic acids
Molecular therapy - Oncolytics
Molecular vision
Molluscan research
Monatschrift für das Forst- und Jagdwesen
Monatshefte fur Chemie
Printed:Formerly: Monatshefte fur Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften
Monoclonal antibodies in immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy
Monographs of the western North American naturalist
Moscow University soil science bulletin
Mountain research and development
Movement disorders
Mucosal immunology
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders
Munibe. Ciencias naturales
Muscle and nerve
Musculoskeletal care
Music therapy perspectives
Mutation research letters
Printed:Incorporated into Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Mutation research. DNA repair
Printed:Continued as DNA Repair
Printed:Formerly known as Mutation Research/DNA Repair Reports
Mutation research. DNA repair erports
Mutation research. DNAging
Mutation research. environmental mutagenesis and related subjects
Mutation research. fundamental and molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis
Mutation research. genetic toxicology
Printed:Formerly known as Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology
Mutation research. genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis
Printed:Formerly known as Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology
Mutation research. Mutation research genomics
Printed:Title discontinued as of 2002
Mutation research. reviews in genetic toxicology
Printed:Continued as Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research
Mutation research. reviews in mutation research
Printed:Formerly known as Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology
Printed:Formed by the merger of: Mycological bulletin(1904-1908), and: Journal of mycology(1885-1908)
Mycological bulletin
Printed:Merged with: Journal of mycology(1885-1908), to form: Journal of Mycology
Printed:Formerly: Ohio Mycological Bulletin
Mycological progress
Mycological research
Printed:Continued by: Fungal biology
Printed:Continued by: Fungal Biology Reviews
Mycosphere: journal of fungal biology
電話:(02) 2789-9829 傳真:(02) 2653-5662 
地址:臺北市南港區研究院路二段128號(生態時代館) 更新日期:05/09/2024 10:22:09