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Total:226 Records
Nano communication networks
Nano letters
Nanobiotechnology, IEE proceedings
Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine
Nanoscale research letters
Nanoscience methods
Native plants journal
Natural areas journal
Natural hazards
Natural history
Printed:v.72(1963)-v.89(1980), v.97(1988)-v.99(1990)
Natural life
Natural product reports
Natural product updates
Natural products and bioprospecting
Natural resource modeling
Natural science
Nature aging
Nature and science of sleep
Nature biotechnology
Printed:Formerly: Bio/Technology
Nature cardiovascular research
Nature cell biology
Nature chemical biology
Nature chemistry
Nature climate change
Nature clinical practice cardiovascular medicine
Nature clinical practice. Oncology
Nature communications
Nature Conservation
Nature ecology & evolution
Nature genetics
Nature geoscience
Nature immunology
Nature materials
Nature medicine
Nature metabolism
Nature methods
Nature microbiology
Nature nanotechnology
Nature neuroscience
Nature physics
Nature plants
Nature protocols
Nature reports climate change
Nature reviews cancer
Nature reviews cardiology
Nature reviews chemistry
Nature reviews clinical oncology
Nature reviews drug discovery
Nature reviews gastroenterology & hepatology
Nature reviews genetics
Nature reviews immunology
Nature reviews microbiology
Nature reviews molecular cell biology
Nature reviews neurology
Nature reviews neuroscience
Nature structural and molecular biology
Printed:Formerly: Nature structural biology
Nature structural biology
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology
Printed:Formerly: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archiv fur Pharmakologie
NEJM evidence
Neotropical entomology
Neotropical primates
Nephrology dialysis transplantation
Netherlands heart journal
Netherlands journal of aquatic ecology
Printed:Continued by: Aquatic ecology
Printed:Formerly: Hydrobiological bulletin
Netherlands journal of medicine
Printed:Transferred to Van Zuiden Communications as of 2002
Netherlands journal of plant pathology=Tijdschrift over plantenziekten
Printed:Continued by: European journal of plant pathology
Netherlands journal of sea research
Neural development
Neural networks
Neural plasticity
Neuro-oncology practice
Neurobiology of aging
Neurobiology of disease
Neurobiology of learning and memory
Neurobiology of stress
Neurochemical research
Neurochemistry international
Printed:Incorporated into Experimental Neurology
Neurodegenerative diseases
Neurogastroenterology and motility
NeuroImage: clinical
Neurología (English edition)
Neurological sciences
Printed:Formerly: Italian journal of neurological sciences
Neurology international
Neurology research international
Neuromuscular disorders
Neuropathology and applied neurobiology
Printed:Formerly known as International Journal of Neuropharmacology
Neurophysiologie clinique/clinical neurophysiology
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment
Neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, and behavioral neurology
Printed:Absorbed: International pharmacopsychiatry
Neuroscience and behavioral physiology
Printed:Formerly : Neuroscience translations
Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews
Printed:Formerly known as Biobehavioral Reviews
Neuroscience and medicine
Neuroscience letters
Neuroscience of consciousness
Neuroscience research
Printed:Incorporating Neuroscience Research Supplements
Neuroscience research communications
Printed:v.1(1987), v.6(1990)-v.19(1996)
Neuroscience research supplements
Neuroscience translations
Printed:Continued by: Neuroscience and behavioral physiology
Neurosurgical review
Neurotoxicology and teratology
Neurourology and urodynamics
New Biologist
Printed:v.1(1989)-v.4(5)(1992) [lack v.2(4)]
New biotechnology
New cardiovascular drugs
New Comprehensive Biochemistry
New drugs annual, cardiovascular drugs
New England journal of medicine
New genetics and society
Printed:Formerly : Genetic engineer and biotechnologist
New journal of chemistry
New microbes and new infections
New scientist
Printed:v.114(1558)(1987)-v.117(1599)(1988), v.129(1754)(1991)-v.129(1759)(1991), v.129(1762)(1991)-v.132(1793)(1991), v.132(1798)(1991)-v.133(1812)(1992), v.133(1814)(1992)-v.135(1832)(1992), v.135(1834)(1992), v.135(1836)(1992)-v.172(2001) [lack v.117(1589), v.149-150(2023-2024), v.153(2074), v.154(2077), v.154(2082)]
New Zealand journal of agricultural research
New Zealand journal of botany
New Zealand journal of crop and horticultural science
New Zealand journal of forestry science
Newborn and infant nursing reviews
News in physiological sciences
Printed:Continued by: Physiology
NFS journal
Nicotine and tobacco research
Nitric oxide: biology and chemistry
NJAS - Wageningen journal of life sciences
Nmr in biomedicine
Non-coding RNA research
Nordic journal of botany
Nordic journal of psychiatry
North American fungi
North American journal of aquaculture
North American journal of fisheries management
Printed:v.1(1981)-v.16(1996)[lack v.1(2-6)]
North American journal of medical sciences
Northwest science
Printed:v.34(4)(1960)-v.65(1991) [lack v.35(3),v.36(3-4),v.54(1),v.55-56]
Notes and records
Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
Printed:v.23(1959)-v.45(1988) [lack v.30(3),v.36(3),v.39(3)]
Notulae botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
Nova hedwigia
Printed:v.64(1997)-v.72(2001) [lack v.66-67(1998)]
NPG Asia materials
npj Aging and mechanisms of disease
npj Biofilms and microbiomes
npj Breast cancer
npj Genomic medicine
npj Microgravity
npj Parkinson's disease
npj Schizophrenia
npj Science of learning
npj Systems biology and applications
Nuclear medicine and biology
Printed:Formerly known as International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology
Nuclear medicine communications
Nuclear receptor
Nuclear receptor signaling
Nucleic acid therapeutics
Nucleic acids and molecular biology
Nucleic acids research
Nucleosides and nucleotides
Nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids
Nuovo giornale botanico italiano
Nursing & health sciences
Nursing for women's health
Nursing outlook
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems
Nutrition & diabetes
Nutrition & dietetics
Nutrition & metabolism
Nutrition action health letter
Nutrition and metabolic insights
Nutrition bulletin
Nutrition journal
Nutrition research
Nutrition reviews
Nutrition, metabolism and cardiovascular diseases
Nutritional neuroscience
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Address:128 Sec. 2 Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei 115 Taiwan R.O.C. (Eco Pavilion) Modified:05/09/2024 10:22:44