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Total:638 Records
C&EN global enterprise
CA: A cancer journal for clinicians
Cactus and succulent journal
Calcified tissue international
Calcified tissue research
California agriculture
Canadian entomologist
Canadian geriatrics journal
Canadian journal of agricultural economics
Canadian journal of biochemistry
Canadian journal of biochemistry and cell biology
Canadian journal of biochemistry and physiology
Canadian journal of botany
Canadian journal of chemical engineering
Canadian journal of chemistry
Canadian journal of dietetic practice and research
Canadian journal of earth sciences
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences
Canadian journal of forest research
Canadian journal of microbiology
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Canadian journal of zoology
Canadian medical association journal
Canadian pharmacists journal
Canadian plant disease survey
Cancer & metabolism
Cancer and metastasis reviews
Cancer biology & medicine
Cancer biology & therapy
Cancer biotherapy
Cancer biotherapy and radiopharmaceuticals
Cancer causes & control
Cancer cell
Cancer cell & microenvironment
Cancer cell international
Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology
Cancer clinical trials
Cancer cytopathology
Cancer detection and prevention
Cancer discovery
Cancer drug delivery
Cancer epidemiology
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention
Cancer gene therapy
Cancer genetics
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics
Cancer immunity
Cancer immunology and immunotherapy
Cancer immunology research
Cancer immunology, immunotherapy
Cancer informatics
Cancer investigation
Cancer letters
Cancer management and research
Cancer medicine
Cancer nanotechnology
Cancer prevention research
Cancer reports
Cancer research
Cancer science
Cancer translational medicine
Cancer treatment communications
Cancer treatment reviews
Carbohydrate polymers
Carbohydrate research
Cardiology in review
Cardiology research and practice
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology
Cardiovascular diabetology
Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular drug reviews
Cardiovascular drugs and therapy
Cardiovascular pathology
Cardiovascular psychiatry and neurology
Cardiovascular radiation medicine
Cardiovascular radiology
Cardiovascular research
Cardiovascular revascularization medicine
Cardiovascular therapeutics
Cardiovascular ultrasound
Caribbean journal of science
Case reports in dermatology
Case reports in gastroenterology
Case reports in medicine
Case reports in nephrology and urology
Case reports in neurology
Case reports in oncology
Case reports in pancreatic cancer
Catalysis science & technology
Catalysts and catalysed reactions
Catheterization and cardiovascular diagnosis
Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions
Cbe life sciences education
Cell and bioscience
Cell and chromosome
Cell and tissue research
Cell biochemistry and biophysics
Cell biochemistry and function
Cell biology and toxicology
Cell biology education
Cell Biophysics
Cell calcium
Cell chemical biology
Cell communication and signaling
Cell cycle
Cell death & disease
Cell death and differentiation
Cell death discovery
Cell differentiation
Cell differentiation and development
Cell division
Cell host & microbe
Cell metabolism
Cell motility
Cell motility and the cytoskeleton
Cell preservation technology
Cell proliferation
Cell regeneration
Cell regulation
Cell reports
Cell research
Cell stem cell
Cell structure and function
Cell systems
Cell transplantation
Cells & development
Cells tissues organs
Cellular and molecular biology
Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology
Cellular and molecular life sciences
Cellular and molecular neurobiology
Cellular immunology
Cellular logistics
Cellular oncology
Cellular physiology and biochemistry
Cellular reprogramming
Cellular signalling
Central nervous system trauma
Cereal foods world
Cerebral cortex
Cerebrospinal fluid research
Cerebrovascular diseases extra
Česká Mykologie
Chang Gung medical journal 長庚醫誌
Chelonian conservation and biology
Chem-bio informatics journal
Chemical and biological technologies in agriculture
Chemical biology & drug design
Chemical communications
Chemical engineering journal and the biochemical engineering journal
Chemical health and safety
Chemical physics
Chemical physics letters
Chemical record
Chemical research in toxicology
Chemical reviews
Chemical science
Chemical senses
Chemical society reviews
Chemical speciation & bioavailability
Chemical vapor deposition
Chemico-biological interactions
Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry
Chemie in unserer zeit
Chemische Berichte/Recueil: inorganic and organometallic chemistry
Chemistry & biodiversity
Chemistry & biology
Chemistry and physics of lipids
Chemistry central journal
Chemistry of materials
Chemistry of natural compounds
Chemistry: a European journal
Chemistry: an Asian journal
Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems
Chesapeake science
Child & youth care forum
Child & youth care quarterly
Child and adolescent mental health
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health
Child care quarterly
Child development
Child development perspectives
Child psychiatry and human development
Child's nervous system
Childhood Obesity
China agricultural economic review
Chinese chemical letters
Chinese journal of analytical chemistry
Chinese journal of chemistry
Chinese journal of digestive diseases
Chinese journal of integrated traditional and Western medicine 中国中西医结合杂志
Chinese journal of integrative medicine 中国结合医学杂志
Chinese journal of radiology 中華放射線醫學雜誌
Chinese journal of traumatology
Chirurgia plastica
Chromosome botany
Chromosome research
Clean: soil air water
Clinica chimica acta
Clinical & developmental immunology
Clinical & experimental metastasis
Clinical & translational immunology
Clinical anatomy
Clinical and applied immunology reviews
Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology
Clinical and diagnostic virology
Clinical and experimental allergy
Clinical and experimental hypertension
Clinical and experimental hypertension (1978)
Clinical and experimental hypertension. Part A, Theory and practice
Clinical and experimental hypertension. Part B, Hypertension in pregnancy
Clinical and experimental immunology
Clinical and experimental medicine
Clinical and experimental ophthalmology
Clinical and experimental optometry
Clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology
Clinical and investigative medicine
Clinical and laboratory haematology
Clinical and molecular allergy
Clinical and translational gastroenterology
Clinical and translational medicine
Clinical and translational radiation oncology
Clinical and vaccine immunology
Clinical biochemistry
Clinical biomechanics
Clinical cancer research
Clinical cardiology
Clinical chemistry
Clinical chiropractic
Clinical cornerstone
Clinical drug investigation
Clinical effectiveness in nursing
Clinical endocrinology
Clinical epigenetics
Clinical ethics
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology
Clinical genetics
Clinical imaging
Clinical immunology
Clinical immunology and immunopathology
Clinical immunology newsletter
Clinical implant dentistry and related research
Clinical investigator
Clinical journal of pain
Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN
Clinical kidney journal
Clinical linguistics and phonetics
Clinical lipidology
Clinical mass spectrometry
Clinical microbiology and infection
Clinical microbiology newsletter
Clinical microbiology reviews
Clinical molecular pathology
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery
Clinical neuropharmacology
Clinical neurophysiology
Clinical neurophysiology practice
Clinical neuroscience research
Clinical nuclear medicine
Clinical nutrition
Clinical nutrition supplements
Clinical oncology
Clinical oral implants research
Clinical orthopaedics and related research
Clinical otolaryngology
Clinical otolaryngology and allied sciences
Clinical ovarian and other gynecologic cancer
Clinical pediatric emergency medicine
Clinical pharmacology & therapeutics
Clinical physics and physiological measurement
Clinical physiology
Clinical physiology and functional imaging
Clinical plasma medicine
Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health
Clinical proteomics
Clinical psychology & psychotherapy
Clinical psychology review
Clinical psychology: science and practice
Clinical radiology
Clinical research and regulatory affairs
Clinical respiratory journal
Clinical reviews in allergy
Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology
Clinical rheumatology
Clinical sarcoma research
Clinical teacher
Clinical techniques in small animal practice
Clinical therapeutics
Clinical toxicology
Clinical transplantation
Clinical update
Clinics in dermatology
Cloning and stem cells
CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne
CNS drug reviews
CNS neuroscience & therapeutics
Cognitive brain research
Cognitive psychology
Cognitive science
Cognitive systems research
Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology
Coleopterists Society monographs Patricia Vaurie series
Colloid and polymer science
Colloids and surfaces. A, physicochemical and engineering aspects
Colloids and surfaces. B, biointerfaces
Colombian journal of anesthesiology
Colonial waterbirds
Colorectal disease
Combinatorial chemistry - an online journal
Combustion and flame
Communications in numerical methods in engineering
Communicative and integrative biology
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology
Community health studies
Community medicine
Comparative and functional genomics
Comparative biochemistry and physiology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology B: comparative biochemistry
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C: comparative pharmacology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C: comparative pharmacology & toxicology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, comparative physiology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, molecular & integrative physiology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, physiology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. B, biochemistry & molecular biology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C, pharmacology, toxicology and endocrinology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C, toxicology & pharmacology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. D, genomics and proteomics
Comparative clinical pathology
Comparative cytogenetics
Comparative haematology international
Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases
Comparative medicine
Comparative parasitology
Complementary therapies in clinical practice
Complementary therapies in medicine
Complementary therapies in nursing and midwifery
Comprehensive psychiatry
Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety
Comptes rendus biologies
Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - eries III - Sciences de la Vie
Computational & theoretical chemistry
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine
Computational and structural biotechnology journal
Computational and theoretical polymer science
Computational biology
Computational biology and chemistry
Computational intelligence and neuroscience
Computational molecular bioscience
Computational toxicology
Computer aided surgery
Computer applications in the biosciences
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine
Computer programs in biomedicine
Computerized medical imaging and graphics
Computers & chemical engineering
Computers and biomedical research
Computers and chemistry
Computers and electronics in agriculture
Computers in human behavior
Concepts in magnetic resonance
Concepts in magnetic resonance. Part A, Bridging education and research
Concepts in magnetic resonance. Part B, Magnetic resonance engineering
Conditional Reflex
Congenital anomalies
Congenital heart disease
Congestive heart failure
Connective tissue research
Consciousness and cognition
Conservation biology in practice
Conservation ecology
Conservation in Practice
Conservation physiology
Contact dermatitis
Contemporary clinical trials
Continental shelf research
Continuing education in anaesthesia, critical care & pain
Controlled clinical trials
Coordination chemistry reviews
Coral reefs
Coral reefs of the world
Corrosion Science
CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology
CRC critical reviews in biochemistry
CRC critical reviews in microbiology
CRC critical reviews in toxicology
Criminal behaviour and mental health
Critical care medicine
Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology
Critical reviews in biotechnology
Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences
Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition
Critical reviews in immunology
Critical reviews in microbiology
Critical reviews in oncology/hematology
Critical reviews in plant sciences
Critical reviews in toxicology
Critical values
Crop & pasture science
Crop breeding and applied biotechnology
Crop journal
Crustaceana. supplement
Cryptogamie, Algologie
Cryptogamie, Bryologie
Cryptogamie, Mycologie
Crystal growth & design
Crystal research and technology
Culture & agriculture
Culture, agriculture, food and environment
Culture, medicine, and psychiatry
Current anaesthesia & critical care
Current biology
Current cardiology reviews
Current chemical genomics
Current chemical genomics and translational medicine
Current developments in nutrition
Current diagnostic pathology
Current directions in psychological science
Current drug delivery
Current eye research
Current genetics
Current genomics
Current herpetology
Current medical research and opinion
Current medicinal chemistry
Current microbiology
Current neuropharmacology
Current obstetrics & gynaecology
Current oncology
Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology
Current opinion in biomedical engineering
Current opinion in biotechnology
Current opinion in cardiology
Current opinion in cell biology
Current opinion in chemical biology
Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care
Current opinion in colloid & interface science
Current Opinion In Critical Care
Current opinion in endocrine and metabolic research
Current opinion in endocrinology & diabetes
Current opinion in environmental sustainability
Current opinion in food science
Current opinion in gastroenterology
Current opinion in genetics & development
Current opinion in hematology
Current opinion in immunology
Current opinion in infectious diseases
Current opinion in insect science
Current opinion in internal medicine
Current opinion in lipidology
Current opinion in microbiology
Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension
Current opinion in neurobiology
Current opinion in neurology
Current opinion in neurology and neurosurgery
Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology
Current opinion in oncology
Current opinion in organ transplantation
Current opinion in pediatrics
Current opinion in pharmacology
Current opinion in physiology
Current opinion in plant biology
Current opinion in psychiatry
Current opinion in solid state and materials science
Current opinion in structural biology
Current Opinion in Systems Biology
Current Opinion in Toxicology
Current opinion in virology
Current orthopaedics
Current paediatrics
Current plant biology
Current problems in cancer
Current problems in cardiology
Current problems in dermatology
Current problems in diagnostic radiology
Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care
Current problems in pediatrics
Current problems in surgery
Current protein & peptide science
Current protocols essential laboratory techniques
Current protocols in bioinformatics
Current protocols in cell biology
Current protocols in chemical biology
Current protocols in cytometry
Current protocols in human genetics
Current protocols in immunology
Current protocols in microbiology
Current protocols in molecular biology
Current protocols in mouse biology
Current protocols in neuroscience
Current protocols in nucleic acid chemistry
Current protocols in pharmacology
Current protocols in plant biology
Current protocols in protein science
Current protocols in stem cell biology
Current protocols in toxicology
Current psychological research
Current psychological research and reviews
Current psychology
Current research journal of biological sciences
Current science
Current surgery
Current therapeutic research
Current topics in developmental biology
Current topics in membranes
Current topics in membranes and transport
Current topics in microbiology and immunology
Current zoology
Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning
Curtis's botanical magazine
Cyberpsychology and behavior
Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking
Cytogenetic and genome research
Cytogenetics and cell genetics
Cytokine & growth factor reviews
Cytometry. Part A
Cytometry. Part B, Clinical cytometry
Czech mycology